Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock died | At 53 years old

Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock died | At 53 years old
Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock died | At 53 years old

He American director Morgan Spurlockknown for the documentary “Super Size Me” (2004) in which he ate hamburgers from the most famous fast food chain in the world every day for a month, He died this Thursday at the age of 53. due to “complications derived from cancer,” his family reported.

“It was a sad day, since we said goodbye to my brother Morgan. He contributed so much through his art, ideas and generosity. “The world has lost a true creative genius and a special man,” the statement said. his brother Craig Spurlockwho worked with Morgan on various projects.

Spurlock’s bet, according to those close to him, was always the same: “To fearlessly challenge modern conventions using humor and wit to shed light on the problems“.

Spurlock’s family requested in their statement this Friday that those who wish to do so can carry out donations to the American Cancer Society – Hope Lodge (New York) “in honor of Morgan.”

What “Super Size Me” is about

The documentary “Super Size Me,” which received an Oscar nomination, portrays Morgan Spurlock’s routine and physical changes over the course of a month in which He was fed exclusively with fast food from the McDonald’s chain.

The result of the experiment was that that month gained 12 kilos of weighthis cholesterol levels skyrocketed and the doctors monitoring him finally told him that abandon the diet because he started to develop liver problems.

The documentary opened the debate on food problems and risks of fast food abuse in United States.

The documentary filmmaker, West Virginia nativefilmed the second version of his Oscar-winning audiovisual piece, titled “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken” (2019), focusing on the pressures of large fast food chains on small family poultry farms, but This second installment was not as widely accepted.

Morgan Spurlock’s sayings in the middle of Mee Too

At the height of the #MeToo movement, in 2017, Morgan Spurlock confessed to sexual crimes. In an open letter, he admitted to verbally harassing an assistant and bribing her. He also said that he had been accused of rape at the university, although there were no charges or investigations into those events.

At the time, he said that with his statements he hoped to “empower change” in his own life. “We should all find the courage to admit that we are to blame“, the documentary filmmaker had reflected.

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