Candela Vetrano is expecting her first child

Candela Vetrano is expecting her first child
Candela Vetrano is expecting her first child


After having announced this Thursday that Calu Rivero and Antonio ‘Aito’ de la Rúa are expecting their second child, Ángel de Brito said that he had to confirm another pregnancy, but it still did not have the green light for the protagonist. However, it didn’t take long for this to happen and, on Friday, the driver of THE M (America TV) revealed that Candela Vetrano and Andrés Gil will be parents for the first time.

Candela Vetrano and Andrés Gil will become parents for the first timeinstagram

The edition began with the enigmatic classic of every night, so it gave some clues. “She is famous for participating in very important successes. Television hits. She is an actress. He is also famous. “They are both young,” the journalist began by saying.

And he continued: “He did theater, he did TV. He has three brothers. He didn’t do streaming. She will be his first child and they are not married to his partner. She has a large following and is currently in theater. She traveled a lot around the world. She has many famous friends. She dances, she sings, she is an actress. She made movies”.

As no one in the apartment guessed, the former jury Dancing (América TV) added other data: “You are less than 35 years old. She was born in August. She did some fashion, she’s a model. She was born in the province of Buenos Aires. She has been in a relationship for many years, perhaps many of them have rediscovered her. She is brunette. She launched her own clothing line at one point. Worked with Cris Morena”.

Candela Vetrano and Andrés Gil will become parents for the first timeGerardo Viercovich

Finally, de Brito said who it was: “She is three months pregnant, it’s official and we are authorized, Cande Vetrano.” “She is an excellent actress. She as a couple with Andrés Gil. They are both divine,” she added to close the topic.

The actress, who will debut in the work The wonderful things under the direction of Mey Scápolaand Ivo’s interpreter in Spoiled (eltrece) met in 2015, in Rome. Although he was recording a soap opera and she went to a festival, Santiago Talledo, an actor and mutual friend, introduced them and they both stayed to sleep at her house for a few days, so Andrés served as “tour guide”.

Cande Vetrano and Andrés Gil have been together since 2015Instagram @candelivetrano

“Cande went to Rome for a few days for a festival, They stayed the night at my house, I took the opportunity to act as a tour guide, we hit it off and started going out.. Shortly afterwards I returned to Argentina for a job, I stayed for a month and from then on we did not separate. It was about seven years ago. I returned to Italy to finish recording and without work commitments, the return operation began,” Andrés expressed about his return from Italy in dialogue with LA NACION, in 2022.

For her part, she referred to the possibility of becoming a mother in August of last year, in an interview with OhLalah. “For me, being a mother would be incredible. I always saw it as very spectacular. Everything about motherhood flashes to me. I feel that I would love to be a mother and, obviously, with him“, he assured, referring to Gil, and clarified: “But we are in no hurry at all, we have about five long trips left. Yes or yes we have several destinations left without children. I work to travel. We went to Thailand and Vietnam. One month and a half. “It was the most spectacular trip of my life”.


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