What is the Glyndebourne festival, where opera lovers celebrate music in a field

What is the Glyndebourne festival, where opera lovers celebrate music in a field
What is the Glyndebourne festival, where opera lovers celebrate music in a field

It was founded by John Christie and his wife Audrey Mildmay in 1934 (REUTERS/Dylan Martinez)

Located in a picturesque English countryside of SussexEditabout 80 kilometers south of London, the Glyndebourne Opera Festival offers a unique and sophisticated experience. With a 90-year historythis event has been consolidated as a world reference among opera lovers. Every season, More than 150,000 people gather at the farm to enjoy this musical celebration that is combined with the countryside and picnics.

Lauren Snouffera soprano from Austin, Texas, described in Reuters the festival environment with enthusiasm: “Out here it’s us and the sheep”. Snouffer, who plays Pamina in “The Magic Flute” Mozarthighlighted the intimacy of the place.

With a capacity for 1,200 spectators, Glyndebourne Theater allows for a special connection between performers and audiences. “You can really play with more colors and you can talk directly to the audience”Snouffer added.

The Glyndebourne Tour was created in 1968 and an education department in 1986 (REUTERS/Dylan Martinez)

The festival is not only famous for its operatic performances, but also for the unique tradition of outdoor picnics during the intervals. The gardens open from 3:00 p.m. and performances begin at 5 p.m., with a 90-minute interval allowing attendees to enjoy lavish picnics on the grounds.

Yana Penrose, 31 years old, highlighted the peculiarity of these picnics. “It’s a picnic on a different level”said Penrose, who appears on stage inside a giant puppet. Attendees carry picnic baskets, candelabras, and white tablecloths, which creates a magical and exclusive atmosphere.

Sara Eppel62, has attended the festival since the 1980s and sums up the charm of the event: “It’s not just the opera, it’s the whole day. For us it has always been a feature of our summer”. Which shows the importance and tradition of the festival.

Currently, Glyndebourne presents around 120 operas a year (REUTERS/Dylan Martinez)

The history of the festival dates back to 1934when John Christie and his wife, the opera singer Audrey Mildmaydecided to carry out operatic productions in their own home after being inspired by the Salzburg and Bayreuth festivals.

Originally, The auditorium had a capacity for 300 people. But the success of the event led to the construction of a new theater in 1994, which is the one currently used, with capacity for more than a thousand spectators.

Christie’s initial idea was to do something amateur and have a place for his wife to sing. “John, if you’re going to spend that kind of money, for God’s sake, don’t just do anything. “Do it right!” were Mildmay’s words, according to On the 50th road. This encouraged them both to bring the best of European opera to Glyndebourne.

The Glyndebourne Opera Festival offers a unique and sophisticated experience in the picturesque English countryside of Sussex (REUTERS/Dylan Martinez)

In its beginnings, Glyndebourne’s first productions were dedicated to Mozart, a composer whose figure remains closely linked to the festival. Then more names were added such as Montserrat Caballé, Luciano Pavarotti and Teresa Berganza, who have already managed to leave their mark on this event. Today, Glyndebourne presents around 120 operas a year and still explores new talents and repertoires.

With the idea of ​​growing, was created Glyndebourne Tour in 1968 and a department of education in 1986. This demonstrates the festival’s commitment to innovation and the dissemination of opera. These projects launched the careers of important English artists such as Simon Rattletoday orchestra director, and Kate RoyalOpera singer.

A 90-minute interval that allows attendees to enjoy luxurious picnics on the grounds (REUTERS/Dylan Martinez)

Tickets for Glyndebourne can be obtained, the price may exceed the 250 pounds (around 280,000 pesos). There’s also Offers available for those under 40 years of age. Furthermore, the festival stands out for not receiving direct public subsidies, something unusual for a cultural institution of its size.

For many, the Glyndebourne Festival Opera It is one of the most curious in the world. The mix of elegance, countryside, picnics and, of course, the opera, make it unique.

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