Mayte Zaldívar and her daughter Elia, tireless in their support for Julián Muñoz after the deterioration of his health

Mayte Zaldívar and her daughter Elia, tireless in their support for Julián Muñoz after the deterioration of his health
Mayte Zaldívar and her daughter Elia, tireless in their support for Julián Muñoz after the deterioration of his health

Julián Muñoz was admitted again to the Costa del Sol University Hospital in Marbella this Wednesday after suffering a deterioration in the “galloping” and “terminal cancer” that he himself revealed that he has been suffering from for several months. According to various media outlets, Isabel Pantoja’s ex, 76 years old, could have entered a new phase of his illness which, everything indicated, could be the final one. Demonstrating that they are a team and that they unconditionally support the former mayor of Marbella in these difficult times, his wife Mayte Zaldívar – whom he married for the second time on January 30, 20 years after their separation -, his daughters Elia and Eloísa , her grandchildren and the one who until now was Mayte’s partner and is one more in her family, Fernando Marcos. The arrivals and departures of Julián’s loved ones from the hospital have been constant in the last 48 hours and, aware of the concern that exists around her husband’s case, the hotelier broke her silence this Thursday and with a smile denied the extreme gravity of the former politician: “There are so many things being said… We are very happy, we have good news,” he said without giving more details. Tireless at Julián’s side, Mayte returned to the hospital first thing this morning accompanied by her daughter Elia and, perhaps a few hours ago, she avoided giving the latest news on the former mayor’s condition, leaving it up in the air as to whether he will be discharged. hospitable and you will be able to return home in the next few days.

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