Angelic Tarot for the zodiac signs from June 9 to 15

Angelic Tarot for the zodiac signs from June 9 to 15
Angelic Tarot for the zodiac signs from June 9 to 15

Through the powerful Angel Tarot cards, the archangels transmit messages of love, support and wisdom to you.

Angel Tarot Predictions for the 12 Signs of the Zodiac: June 9 to 15, 2024

  • Aries (Archangel Uriel): The Divine Spark illuminates you. Follow your intuition and inner passion to achieve your goals. Trust in your power and have faith in the universe.

  • Taurus (Archangel Chamuel): Seek balance and harmony in all aspects of your life. Surround yourself with love and peace, and release any negative energy. Unconditional love surrounds you.

  • Gemini (Archangel Gabriel): Communication and clarity will be of great help to you this week. Express your ideas with confidence and listen carefully to others. The truth will guide you to success.

  • Cancer (Archangel Raphael): Heal your body, mind and spirit. Surround yourself with healing and well-being. Trust in your ability to bounce back and overcome any obstacle.

    • Leo (Archangel Michael): With courage and determination, face any challenge that comes your way. Trust your inner strength and leadership to achieve your goals. Success is within your reach.

    • Virgo (Archangel Jophiel): Beauty and harmony surround you. Appreciate the little things in life and find beauty in everything around you. The inner light guides you towards happiness.

      Monday June 10, 2024:

      • Libra (Archangel Zadkiel): Forgiveness and release will help you move forward in your life. Let go of resentment and negativity, and open your heart to compassion and peace.

      • Scorpio (Archangel Azrael): Transformation and change are around the corner. Don’t be afraid to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace new opportunities. Trust the process and flow with life.

      • Sagittarius (Archangel Raguel): Justice and equity will be important on this day. Maintain fairness in your dealings with others and act with integrity. The truth will prevail.

      • Capricorn (Archangel Haniel): Responsibility and discipline will guide you in this period. Meet your obligations and work hard to achieve your goals. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and organizational skills.

      • Aquarius (Archangel Ariel): Hope and humanitarianism will be important in this cycle. Connect with a social cause that inspires you and offer your help to others. Kindness and compassion will fill you with satisfaction.

      • Pisces (Archangel Metatron): Intuition and spirituality will accompany you during this period. Trust your inner voice and follow your intuition. An opportunity presents itself to deepen your connection with the universe and your purpose in life.

      Fountain: Digital Integrated System

      Published: 2024-06-09

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