The Fundamentalists in La Plata: the strong message from the public against Milei

The Fundamentalists in La Plata: the strong message from the public against Milei
The Fundamentalists in La Plata: the strong message from the public against Milei

The Fundamentalists of Air Conditioning made the Único Stadium of La Plata vibrate this Saturday in a show loaded with messages from the public against the government of Javier Milei. “The Homeland is not for sale” and “He who does not jump voted for Milei” were two of the phrases most chanted by the crowd, both before and during the recital.

There were also chants against the Base Law. A fan, for example, took advantage of an interval between songs to walk around the field and invite those present to mobilize on Wednesday against the project that already has half a sanction and is being voted on in the Senate this week. “Everyone goes to Congress on Wednesday. Let’s not fall asleep!” He passed by shouting.

The musician Pablo Sbaraglia also left a political message during the massive event: he wore a t-shirt with the Arsat logothe national telecommunications company created by Néstor Kirchner in 2006.

The guitarist and singer Gaspar Benegas, for his part, took the opportunity to give a message of “unity”: “In this time when so much effort is put into dividing us, let’s take care of this beautiful opportunity for unity that music gives us and defend that.”

A massive show with ricotera mystique

The Fundamentalists chose a repertoire with classics by Patricio Rey and Los Redonditos de Ricota such as “La Bestia Pop”, “Masacre en el puticlub”, “Juguetes perdidos”, “Etiqueta negra” and “Mariposa Pontiac”. The audience also enjoyed notable songs by The Fundamentalists such as “Once upon a time”, “Flight 956” and “To beef or not to beef”.

The figure of Indio Solari was present on the screens of the recital during several songs and thrilled the crowd. “If the plans did not fail, the Indian is watching us. Let’s give him a big round of applause,” the artists warned and generated a standing ovation. Solari’s voice sounded in “Our master plays the slave”, “An angel for your loneliness”, “Encounter with an amateur angel”, “Russian cheese” and “Flight 956”.

The long-awaited “Jijiji” triggered a massive pogo throughout the stadium at the end of the concert, which had more than 50 thousand spectators and closed with a fireworks show.

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