The hot GH tribune: Santiago del Moro’s anger and Cata’s confrontation with Furia’s fans

The hot GH tribune: Santiago del Moro’s anger and Cata’s confrontation with Furia’s fans
The hot GH tribune: Santiago del Moro’s anger and Cata’s confrontation with Furia’s fans

Santiago del Moro had to silence the audience when Nicolás left the plate (Video: Big Brother, Telefe)

The decisive instances of Big Brother, they live with a lot of passion. But this Sunday, the tribune attracted the most attention and caused many tense moments during the gala. One of them was when Santiago Del Moro He entered the house to announce that Nicolás was still in the race by public decision. At that precise moment, a group of fans in the studio began shouting at the top of their lungs, which alerted the players inside the house.

The driver tried to calm them down with gestures and then asking for silence, but his efforts had no effect and he appeared visibly upset. With an angry expression, he asked to be taken out of the house and, once outside, he grabbed a microphone and addressed the audience. “If I enter the house, you can’t shout for one or the other. When I walk in, no one shouts. Those who like it well and those who don’t, these are the rules,” she said seriously.

When someone tried to reply, Santiago did not allow it: “I don’t care who it was. If I go in, you can’t shout out of respect for the game and the boys. also because any scream can reverberate in your head.”

The firm tone of his words managed to silence the audience and he was able to reconnect with the house. Then, Santiago lowered his intensity a little and spoke again: “I don’t know which side they were shouting from or what they were shouting about but I don’t care. They can misunderstand anything and it creates a short circuit in their head. “They have been there for a long time.”

“When I enter they shut up and when I leave they shout whatever they want like they always do. Also, I love it, but there are rules,” concluded Del Moro, making it clear that respect for the game and the participants is fundamental.

Cata confronted the GH tribune over the possible elimination of Furia (Video: GH, Telefe)

The elimination of Virginia Demo of Big Brotherafter an electrifying one-on-one with Juliana Rage Scaglione, leave it to Catalina Gorostidi visibly affected, who could not contain her tears at the public’s decision.

Although Cata was eliminated from the reality show several weeks ago, she continues to be an active part of the Telefe reality universe. She participates in interviews, streaming and live debates about the events that continue to happen in the most famous house. On this occasion, the pediatrician was in the front row of the audience, offering her support to Virginia.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. Santiago del Moro amidst loud chants from the public. “Sorry, sorry… I’m the star talking, you can’t hear anything with these people,” Catalina responded, pointing to Furia’s fans. Her comment reflected the tension and passion that the program arouses both inside and outside the house.

Cata was eliminated from Big Brother in early April (TV Capture)

Before the final results were known, Catalina expressed her wish that Juliana be eliminated. “I hope he wins a good game today, maybe If she stays inside, she is doing us a favor because we don’t want to see her out here.”stated the former participant, evidencing her preference for the woman from La Plata.

Minutes later, the host of the program announced that Virginia Demo had been the one most voted for by the audience to leave the contest. The news triggered a strong reaction in Catalina, who burst into tears, demonstrating how much she wanted Juliana to be eliminated.

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