Ideal exercises to achieve a flat stomach during menopause

Ideal exercises to achieve a flat stomach during menopause
Ideal exercises to achieve a flat stomach during menopause

Renowned trainer Denise Austin, 67, shares a series of simple exercises and effective to combat the dreaded “belly belly” menopause“. In a recent video posted to her Instagram account, Austin presents kickboxing-inspired moves that promise to help women lose weight after surgery. menopause and attack the abdominal fat characteristic of this stage.

In the video, Austin shows two exercises core and cardio training designed to tone your abs and speed up your metabolism. The first involves punching movements while pivoting slightly on the feet, and the second involves twists and leg lifts to work the obliques.

Known for her ability to inspire women of all ages with her workout tips, Austin emphasizes the importance of staying active and eating a balanced diet to combat the effects of menopause in the body. His followers praise his energy and his effective advice, highlighting the effectiveness of the exercises presented in the video.

Exercises based on experience

The trainer, who experienced first-hand the challenges of staying in shape during the menopauseinsists on the importance of incorporating exercises cardiovascular and strength training in your daily routine to achieve optimal results. Together with a healthy diet, these movements can significantly contribute to weight loss and greater body tone.

The trainer proposes these exercises for manopause. Source: Canva

With Denise Austin’s advice, it is clear that staying active and committed to a healthy lifestyle is key to facing the bodily changes that come with menopause.

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