The gossip magazines this week: Íñigo Onieva’s getaway without Tamara amid pregnancy rumors

The gossip magazines this week: Íñigo Onieva’s getaway without Tamara amid pregnancy rumors
The gossip magazines this week: Íñigo Onieva’s getaway without Tamara amid pregnancy rumors

Magazine covers from June 12, 2024.

Even the beaches of Ibiza are gone Inigo Onieva to enjoy a few days with friends before starting the summer season itself. The reason would be none other than to celebrate his 35th birthday with the group, since he arrived on the island just one day after he blew out the candles with his wife, Tamara Falcó. This trip has occurred amid pregnancy rumors, according to Ten minutes, and the last photograph they shared has given us something to talk about. In it, Íñigo grabs his wife from behind and appears to caress her tummy.

The journalist is also on the beach Isabel Jimenez, who has traveled accompanied by her husband and two children, the perfect company. To finish, the magazine tells how Hugo’s birthday was, the youngest son of Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanariowhich just turned two years old.

Cover of ‘Diez Minutos’ magazine on June 12, 2024.

Ana Obregon return to the pages of the paper couché and, once again, she is accompanied by her granddaughter, Anita. The little one in the family is growing by leaps and bounds and, as the magazine shows, she is already taking her first steps. Hand in hand with her grandmother, Aless Lequio’s biological daughter is discovering the world, always surrounded by her family, who is making sure that she keeps her father in mind.

Rosa Lopez He also appears on this cover in which he gives an exclusive interview. Sincere as always, the singer from Granada returns to a topic that still causes her pain, the death of her father. “I have had to learn to live with my father’s death,” she says, since they were both very close. The magazine closes with the party that Joaquin Torres offered a few days ago and it was full of well-known faces from the small screen who wanted to accompany him after a few difficult weeks.

Cover of ‘Semana’ magazine on June 12, 2024.

Passion jumps to the pages of Readings by the hand of Ángel Cristo and Ana Herminiamore lovey-dovey than ever after his return from Survivors. As if there hadn’t been more than enough islands and beaches, Bárbara Rey’s son and his partner have been in Ibiza, where they have been able to rest away from the media spotlight and make up for lost time.

The situation they are experiencing is very different. Ana Duato and Imanol Arias, who have reached a pact to avoid having to go to jail. It should be remembered that the actress faces 32 years in prison. On the international scene, the Prince Guillermowho attended the Duke of Westminster’s wedding alone just a few days ago.

Cover of ‘Lecturas’ magazine on June 12, 2024.

Wedding bells are ringing in the musical world. This is how this magazine advances it, which has a scoop of the link to David Summersfamous for being the vocalist of Men G, and Christine Cambeiro. The couple, who are opening a house in Madrid, collect in this interview how they met as well as the details of a wedding that will be in the style old hollywood. In addition, he states that all the details of the ‘yes, I want’ will be published in a later edition, after the ceremony.

The wedding of the Duke of Westminster, held a few days ago and attended by Prince William, is the other major topic on the cover of Hello!which collects the best images and all the details of a ceremony that, without being royal, is already considered the ‘connection of the year in the United Kingdom’.

Cover of ‘Hello!’ magazine from June 12, 2024.

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