Daniela Colett tells the firm about the future of her relationship with Luis Mateucci – Publimetro Chile

Daniela Colett tells the firm about the future of her relationship with Luis Mateucci – Publimetro Chile
Daniela Colett tells the firm about the future of her relationship with Luis Mateucci – Publimetro Chile

One of the romances that has been the most talked about in recent times is between Luis Mateucci and Daniela Colett, who began their relationship in confinement. Win or Serve?”

It should be remembered that the Argentine was in a relationship with Daniela Aránguiz only a few days before entering confinement, but the Brazilian managed to reach his heart little by little and on screen it has been seen how much they like each other.

In fact, a couple of episodes ago the lovebirds made their love affair official with a passionate kiss in front of all their classmates, and now they freely show their feelings in the house located in Peru.

In this context, is where Daniela opened up about her feelings for the Argentine: “The truth is that it is something strange, since I never saw him as anything more than friends and I told him that the first day when we took a ride in the carriage“, expressed the ex-wife of Eduardo Vargas about their new relationship, to the Fotech site.

Likewise, the participant of the Channel 13 reality show assured that within the confinement ““He has been the person with whom I have had the most affinity, we have many things in common”.

“We both get up super early and it’s already a classic to go have a coffee and talk about things about life outside. I love him, obviously.”he added.

There’s no future?

Despite declaring her feelings and being quite interested in Mateucci, Daniela is not completely sure that she wants to establish a more formal relationship outside of the confinement of “Win or Serve?” that is, in the real world

“The truth is very difficult, being very rational, He lives in Chile and I in Brazil“, the Brazilian confessed to the aforementioned media.

Finally, he commented that: “Maybe we can have a good time and enjoy ourselves here, but having something beyond, I find it very difficult.“, hill.

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