Sergio George responds to Yahaira Plasencia after calling him “grandpa” and denies romance rumors: “It won’t even happen”

Sergio George responds to Yahaira Plasencia after calling him “grandpa” and denies romance rumors: “It won’t even happen”
Sergio George responds to Yahaira Plasencia after calling him “grandpa” and denies romance rumors: “It won’t even happen”

Sergio George responds to Yahaira Plasencia after she said that he looks like her “grandfather” and denies romance rumors. (Video: América Hoy / América TV).

The professional relationship between Yahaira Plasencia and Sergio George has been the subject of numerous rumors and speculation. In a recent statement, Plasencia assured that she sees the music producer as her “grandpa,” a comparison that apparently did not please George at all. “For me he is like a father, I went so far as to call him grandpa because my grandpa was like that, very dark,” The singer then explained, seeking to fix her initial response.

Therefore, to clarify this entire situation, the ‘América Hoy’ team contacted Sergio George, who detailed the context of Yahaira Plasencia’s comments. “The ‘grandpa’ thing was after the conversation. She and I always joke. It was my turn this time. The press there always alters things to sell headlines,” George responded, suggesting that the label was the result of a joke between the two.

Despite the clarification, rumors about a possible romance between the producer and the singer have persisted. In the middle of the interview with ‘América Hoy’, Sergio George was consulted directly about his relationship with Plasencia. “So, for the umpteenth time, do you deny having an affair with Yahaira?” asked the journalist.

George’s response was clear and forceful: “It seems to me that I am in a trial as a witness. Are you a prosecutor? Joke my brother. I don’t know how many times I have to clarify that.“, he stated, making it clear that there is no romantic link between him and Yahaira Plasencia.

Sergio George and his misguided comment against Yahaira Plasencia. Instagram.

Not satisfied with George’s denial, the reporter redirected the question, asking if the producer felt any attraction to the singer. “So, I change the question to you, Do you like Yahaira Plasencia as a woman?”, he insisted.

The repeated inquisition seems to have exhausted the producer’s patience. “Now they are calling into question my credibility as a professional. Do I have to fall in love with all the singers I work with? I’ve been doing this for many years. It has never happened nor will it happen,” Sergio George responded emphatically, underlining his professionalism and ruling out any type of intimate relationship with Plasencia.

Throughout his career, George has worked with a multitude of artists in the international music industry, earning a reputation as a respected and experienced producer. However, from the beginning, his relationship with Yahaira Plasencia has always been related to rumors of a more sentimental bond.

The Peruvian singer and dancer Gabriela Herrera generated controversy by insinuating that the music producer Sergio George and the sauce boat Yahaira Plasencithey could have a loving relationship. During his participation in the podcast ‘Casa De La Cumbia’, Herrera commented that he had heard rumors that indicate that the artists are more than co-workers.

Gabriela Herrera questioned the employment relationship between Yahaira Plasencia and Sergio George.

Herrera revealed that one of the reasons why he did not collaborate with Sergio George, who is American, was his discomfort with his repeated attempts to make him reconcile with Yahaira Plasencia, with whom Herrera maintains a well-known rivalry.

“He told me to meet Yahaira for coffee, in an open place for anyone to record us. I told him that I was rehearsing, that I didn’t have time, that I wanted to work with him, not with her. “I didn’t want to do the meeting because I didn’t feel like it,” said the singer, who noted that she considered it unnecessary to meet with Plasencia since he had no intention of collaborating with her.

The former ‘This is War’ competitor hinted that George was seeking to benefit financially from a false reconciliation between them: “I think he wanted to put on a show.” Herrera expressed skepticism about the professional relationship between George and Plasencia, criticizing the lack of significant results after several years working together. “She was with Yahaira for five years and achieved nothing,” the artist pointed out.

They look more like a couple than working, I have learned a few things from there. It seems that they are not just work because I don’t have that trust with a person. If I work with someone, I am very serious and frank with my things… For me, it is very doubtful, but oh well. I have seen the working relationship they had before with the one they have now, it is completely different. I have learned things, then,” said the singer, who completely ruled out working with Sergio George because he “is not a serious person.”

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