gives hugs on the street and workshops to learn how to give them

gives hugs on the street and workshops to learn how to give them
gives hugs on the street and workshops to learn how to give them

“If you feel sad or exhausted, I am here to give you a hug”. A street sign invites you to squeeze a guy almost two meters tall. Has the blindfolded, arms wide open. Immediately a group of passersby forms and whispers. Faces of perplexitycell phones recording, “I think I’ve seen it in TikTok”. A few seconds of hesitation and they throw themselves into the arms of the stranger with more trust than if they were on ‘First Dates’. One after another, they barely leave him alone. As if the world suddenly needed a hug even more than Yolanda Díaz after her European debacle. There are those who do not let it go two minutes. “We’re not that lost,” a boy smiles when he sees the hugs in loop. More than 70 were given in just one hour.

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