solo concert in La Macarena

solo concert in La Macarena
solo concert in La Macarena


One of the earrings that Yeison Jimenez had in his career was to do a solo, sold-out concert at La Macarena. That debt with himself and with his followers will be settled this Saturday, June 15, when he appears on stage with one more scale of Invicto Tour 17-32.

“There are many checklists in the life of Yeison Jiménez and one of those pending was to do a Macarena, which is why for me it represents the Paisa public, which is one of the most important in Colombia, because in Medellín people enjoy spending money on a concert of his favorite artist,” commented Yeison in an exclusive chat with EL COLOMBIANO.

“To that we must add all the love and affection I have for the Paisas, it was the city where I most wanted to do a sould out,” he commented from Guayaquil, Ecuador, where he was on tour.

Born in Manzanares, Caldas, 32 years ago, his first performances at La Macarena are very clear in his memory.

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“I had to go to many stations and they programmed me for four in the afternoon, when they were just setting up chairs, sweeping and installing speakers, that is part of the process that each artist must do to earn their space,” acknowledges the popular music singer. .

In La Macarena

This Saturday night he is the central guest, the star of the show, where he will be accompanied by Luis Alfonso and a trail horse show “with the best specimens from Colombia and the world in La Macarena.”

Regarding the repertoire, he did not want to reveal much, so as not to damage the surprise, but he did confirm that the show will be divided into three moments of his career.

When talking about references and those people who promoted his career, he immediately mentions the late Darío Gómez.

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“The most beautiful person I have had in my career is Darío Gómez, I always remember the old man with that energy that came out, he didn’t hurt at all, one always saw him active, wanting to sing, to show off, he was always well dressed, pretty,” he said.

Regarding this tour, especially the show in Medellín, he confessed that it is causing him a lot of anxiety, “because it is me alone against the world, convincing 15,000 people that it was worth going. I’m going to dedicate this Friday to going to a spa, doing some sports, eating delicious food and going to bed early. “When I’m on stage the only thing I’m going to do is enjoy the show.”

A career of merits

Regarding the professional moment he is experiencing, Yeison, without modesty, expressed that the key word is merit.

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“I deserve it because it is not easy to achieve what I have achieved, to get to where I am, to sustain myself in a country where there is so much talent, that is why I value everything that has happened in my career.”

Along with the concert, this Thursday he released a song with his colleague and friend Pipe Good.

“Very happy, a dream of recording with Pipe has come true, 200 years ago (laughs) we had talked about it and we had not been able to, he had always been there pushing, but things had not been given to us. The important thing is the energy, love and respect in this spectacular song.”

Finally, about the statements he gave a month ago and that went viral, when He said that he had many people who protected him, commented that he never thought that things would be taken so much out of context, “but I had never been so good in my life, that media hit was incredible. There are very few things I regret in life, but I always try to learn.”

He also spoke about the proposal he has received to bring his life to a series. “They have been looking for me a lot, it would be something very nice, something to never forget, but I have been very busy and I want to do this project calmly. “I would like to be there, I would have to be Yeison Jiménez.”

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