The magician Gustavo Lorgia died at the age of 73

The magician Gustavo Lorgia died at the age of 73
The magician Gustavo Lorgia died at the age of 73

María Paula and Gustavo Lorgia, children of the renowned magician Gustavo Lorgia, confirmed the death of their father.

Photo: Private Archive

María Paula and Gustavo, children of the magician Gustavo Lorgia, confirmed this Friday that their father died at the age of 73 in Bogotá. The illusionist, with more than 40 years of experience, was one of the most prominent magicians in Colombia and one of the most important in the world, this led his career to remain in force for more than four decades.

“This message is for all of our father’s family, friends and colleagues, who have supported, admired and filled him with courage in these last days. After the spinal shock that he suffered a little more than 15 days ago, today he has stopped clinging to life and has died. There are no words to describe the pain that your departure causes us, but we want to thank you because due to this process and especially thanks to it, we learned to value much more the importance of love and care, listening and understanding,” they expressed. their children.

“Thank you for your strength, your company and for helping us understand this worthy transition of my dad to another plane, we will never forget it and the most important thing for you to know is that he was magically happy until the last moment of his life.” , they added.

The illusionist worked in international theater and television productions, in countries such as Germany, Argentina, China, Chile, Cyprus, Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, France, Holland, England, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama , Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and Venezuela.

One of their most recent shows was in October 2023, at the Ernesto Aronna Theater. On that occasion the magician appeared with Leonardo Scarpetta and Julio Ibarra.

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