“Europe could suffer an outbreak of unimaginable violence”

“Europe could suffer an outbreak of unimaginable violence”
“Europe could suffer an outbreak of unimaginable violence”

To take revenge for the sanctions that the European Union had just imposed on Belarus in response to the fraudulent 2020 elections and human rights violations, and supported by its Russian partner Vladimir PutinPresident Alexander Lukashenko In the summer of 2021, he began to finance and organize the illegal entry into the European Union of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, mainly through the border that his country shares with Poland. Most of these people are detained by the Polish border guard and sent back to Belarus, before being successively pushed from one side to the other of the fence and suffering hunger, fatigue and torture in the process; As far as is known, 60 human beings have died and more than 200 have disappeared in the forest that separates both countries since then.. The veteran director Agnieszka Holland, acclaimed for her political commitment and her cinematographic approaches to atrocities such as the Holocaust -in titles such as ‘Europa, Europa’ (1990) and ‘In darkness’ (2011)- and the Holodomor of Ukraine -in ‘Mr. Jones’ (2019) – contemplates this tragedy from different points of view in the film that is now premiering in Spain, ‘Green border’, for which he won the Special Jury Prize at the last Venice Film Festival.

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