Francisca Aronsson: her childhood on stage, coming of age and the constant change due to the international dream

Francisca Aronsson: her childhood on stage, coming of age and the constant change due to the international dream
Francisca Aronsson: her childhood on stage, coming of age and the constant change due to the international dream

Francisca Aronsson, the 18-year-old girl who has achieved internationalization. (Infobae composition)

The name of Francisca Aronsson It not only sounds strong in Peru, but also in the world. The acting talent of this young woman, who has just turned 18, has shown that there are no limits if we desire and work hard at everything we want to achieve.

Born in Sweden on June 12, 2006, but a Peruvian national, the artist has had important roles in our country, however, from a very young age she was clear that her vocation was acting. Therefore, she did not think twice and, although this meant not having a common childhood, she risked everything for this difficult profession.

This 2024, Francisca He returned to Peru, after 4 years of absence from work. This time, the actress is part of ‘Pituca without Lucas’, a soap opera from Latina Televisión, with which she leaves behind América, the channel with which she began her work on the small screen. However, she remembers every moment with great love.

“I had never worked with Latina on an audiovisual level, until now with ‘Pituca without Lucas’ and I am very happy. Previously, I have worked in America, almost all the novels, if not all of them, and they have been very nice experiences. But this return to work in Peru, after four years, has been very special for me. More than anything in this production you can see the difference in quality,” the artist mentions to Infobae Peru.

Paulina Bazán will be part of ‘Pituca Sin Lucas’.

Starting her acting career professionally and from a very young age has definitely been a challenge in Francisca’s life. Papers in ‘There is room at the bottomhis remembered protagonist of ‘Daisy flower’were the young woman’s first steps in film and television.

However, being between recordings, far from home, missing some moments of his childhood have been part of this process to get to where he is. Regarding this, the artist tells Infobae Perú that she has helped her grow and know how sacrificed this career is.

“It has been very complex, it has been super challenging, but I think it is also part of the process and it has taught me a lot to grow as a person and as an actress. In any case, they are challenges that life gives you, but they are necessary to pass to also see if you are mentally or physically prepared to endure a career such as acting,” said the artist.

The Swedish-Peruvian actress began her acting career from a very young age.

But, a challenge like this also exposed her to having more than one ‘No’ in his many castings. This would be one of her most complicated moments, since being so small it could discourage her or even affect her emotionally. About, Francisca He confesses that he knew how to handle it and learned, at a very young age, that a negative response was not his fault.

“I remember that the disappointment didn’t last long because from a very young age I began to understand that none of this is personal. So, if they told me ‘no’, it wasn’t a no about me being the problem, but that there are also many factors that can change during the months of pre-production and casting, that one cannot control,” he adds, very sure of what he achieved.

Although he admits that there was a moment when it did affect him, it was much stronger than that. “Anyway when I was a child it affected me, but after a year it stopped affecting me and that was a very good thing. It must also be recognized that I have not had so many ‘no’s’ here in Peru, I have had most of them when I have wanted to try internationally,” she says.

One of the biggest challenges for artists in Peru is to be recognized internationally. Francisca, At just 18 years old, he has managed to stand out in international productions in countries like Spain and Chile, however, Peru will always be his home.

Regarding this process to start working abroad, he reveals that it is a complicated path, but the basis of moving forward is to trust in your own talent and, above all, recognize that it is very likely to have several negative responses along the way because the competition is quite large. .

Francisca Aronsson looks very elegant on the red carpet at the Malaga Festival. instagram

“It’s super complicated. You really have to invest a lot in your career and I mean trusting in your talent and traveling from one continent to another, doing a casting without knowing if you are going to be in the role, if that job is going to be yours. You have to have a lot of confidence and as I say, you have to have big ovaries to really take the step because there is a lot of competition. Hundreds of thousands of people looking for the same role,” she confesses.

Working on different productions forces her to not have a place to settle and, on the contrary, she tends to travel constantly, which means living a life, almost, around the world. Although it is a process full of ups and downs, she confesses that she is used to it and it has helped her get to know herself much better.

“I am already used to not living in an exact country, I am always living in different countries, which I am also very grateful for because it is teaching me a lot, but it is also a very big challenge. I also realize how I know myself a lot in these processes. It has been a nice experience working here and also because I am living alone,” adds Francisca.

On June 12, Francisca Aronsson came of age. Although for a long time her age seemed unknown, the young woman has developed an impressive career while she is younger. However, turning 18 will mean a change in her life, due to the responsibilities and decisions that she will have to make from now on.

Regarding this, the artist says that she is very excited and ready for everything that comes. “I feel that there will be a big change in my work and personal life, but they are changes that, like every person, they have to go through. Yes, it is something that excites me very much, because it is a new stage and I am super ready to receive it,” she expresses.

Francisca Aronsson, the 18-year-old girl who has achieved internationalization.

Although she is now older, since her beginnings the actress has been exposed to all kinds of criticism or comments against her. From her physical appearance, her accent when speaking or details of her appearance. About this, Aronsson She assures that it never affected her, but, on the contrary, this spoke more about others than about herself.

“From a very young age I was exposed to all these types of comments, but they have never really affected me. It may sound a little unrealistic, but it’s because of how I’ve grown up in my family and how I’ve been raised. They have taught me that any comment or criticism through a screen or in person is not something that I have to take personally because they are comments that expose people’s insecurities or their desire to want to make others feel bad because they They feel bad. So, when I also understood that from a very young age, no comments affected me,” she adds.

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