Trout certificates in Río Negro: ATE and UPCN, between measured support and doubts

The Government’s complaint for the issuance of trout certificates from doctors from Río Negro for public employees from different organizations to access licenses, which according to Governor Alberto Weretilneck generated a loss of 400 million pesos to the province, does not convince the main Rio Negro state unions.

Weretilneck filed the complaint personally before the Viedma prosecutor’s office on May 23 past, but it only emerged two weeks ago when he announced it RÍO NEGRO newspaper. Days later, the Government emphasized the dissemination of this legal action and details of the maneuvers detected were known almost daily with hundreds of certificates signed by twenty doctors that translated into “6,602 days not worked” in just six months, although the formal complaint only fell on two health professionals, a pediatrician from Roca – who was fired on Monday – and a psychiatrist from Regina.

The state unions have until now reserved their opinion in the face of the scandal, while the governor promised to move against the doctors who sign those certificates and also cagainst public employees who come to them to access days of work leave.

RÍO NEGRO Diary He consulted the main state unions in the province, but only UPCN and ATE gave their opinion.

The general secretary of UPCN, Juan Carlos Scalesi was skeptical about the effectiveness of the strategy deployed by the provincial government, with criminal complaints against doctors after having detected fraudulent certificates to justify absences in the State.

I don’t understand why the government filed a complaint. There is a Medical Boardwhich is the responsibility of the State,” said the leader before a consultation of RÍO NEGRO newspaper.

Scalesi said that in his opinion, the judicial action “The governor should not have done it””.
In this way, he slipped his idea that the Government is actually seeking a coup d’état with this public advance, above the central objective of efficiently controlling salary expenditure.

Aguiar said that he has doubts about the moment in which the complaints about fraudulent certificates were made known. Photo: archive.

Rodolfo Aguiar, general secretary of ATE at the national levelclarified that as a union they had no formal intervention in the case and said that, on the other hand, they were summoned for this Wednesday at the Disciplinary Board “where we can intuit that in the files that are treated there, these behaviors can be evaluated.”

We do not endorse the commission of any crime, we share and even accompany the investigation because any fraud committed against the State affects us not only as workers but also in our condition as citizens of Río Negro,” he told RÍO NEGRO newspaper.

Aguiar indicated that the union repudiates if there are workers who “inappropriately received a fraudulent certificate,” but he stressed that These are “individual cases, in no way can they be judged as generalized behavior in the public administration”.

With this clarification, the ATE leader noted: “The only thing we could question is the timing in which the complaints were made public.which is coincident with the joint discussions. We hope it has nothing to do with a strategy of try to delegitimize fair salary claims that today we maintain the different unions in the province,” Aguiar emphasized.

Also the dissemination of the Government of the complaints carried out by Weretilneck, which were officially announced last week, almost a month after completing the presentation to the prosecutor’s officeoccurred in the context of the discussion of the Collective Bargaining Agreement that the Province discusses with ATE and that I had on the agenda the issue of staff licenses, although finally that point was postponed to July.

«The moment chosen to make the complaints public raises doubts and we do not rule out that it has to do with the treatment of CCT and that want to impose a view of adjustment or try to reduce rights and the current licensing regime«.

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