The sharp crossing between Virginia Demo and Gastón Trezeguet for the elimination of Fury in Big Brother

The sharp crossing between Virginia Demo and Gastón Trezeguet for the elimination of Fury in Big Brother
The sharp crossing between Virginia Demo and Gastón Trezeguet for the elimination of Fury in Big Brother

Written in SHOWS he 6/20/2024 · 12:59 p.m.

The elimination of Furia in Big Brother (Telefe) still gives a lot of room to cut and causes rispides both on social networks and among the analysts of the reality debate, and the former participants as happened in A la Barbarossa (Telefe) between Virginia Demo and Gastón Trezeguet. who got sparks when discussing Juliana’s game in the house.

It all started when Noe Antonelli, the panelist of the cycle led by Georgina Barbarossa, asked the former competitor: “What happens to you when you hear ‘I’m the good one and all the others are fake’, ‘you had to sleep for 5 hours’ as if she were the only one Big Brother crossed?”

“Look, the truth is that Fury is like that. She believes that everything is barbaric, that she is good, that she did not attack and that she did no harm. What can I tell you?”Demo answered. Then, Antonelli slipped: “It’s like they agree with the crazy man.”

Not satisfied with what he was hearing, Trezeguet intervened: “Well, I have to get in there.” “The thing is that you get involved all the time, Gastón. You don’t stop talking and I mean it because you just said that they want her, that we want blood, and no. “What we want is exactly the same treatment.”Virginia interrupted him and then reminded him that unlike Fury in the debate, she was highlighted those negative things she said inside the house.

I have my character and I am sure that I have said a few things that were not good, but when I left they highlighted to me those three or four things in which I could have gone too far, although I do not think I was wrong.”, detailed the former reality player. Then, Gastón wanted to answer her and she continued: “For! Now, Fury comes out and did a lot of similar things… I’m not saying whether they were wrong or not, in terms of what I did and they didn’t throw one at him. And this happened with all the players.”

Seconds later, the Big Brother debate analyst took the floor to rebuke him: “OK. Can I give you a clarification? If I admire Fury’s game and I admire what she did… ” “I hear”Virginia commented, visibly irritated by Gastón’s fanaticism towards Juliana. “And yours seemed to me, to be honest, to cry and complain all the time.”added Trezeguet, who, upon realizing that Demo wanted to defend himself, fired sharply: “Sorry, now it’s my turn to speak, madam driver, since you like it so much.”

Then, Georgina Barbarossa mediated to challenge Gastón: “Hey, don’t be angry! Stop! “You can disagree without being violent!” “He tells me everything but it’s my turn. That’s why I wanted to say that if a person was inside the house complaining all the time, sleeping and doing the ironing, it’s obvious that I’m going to like the Fury game more. Therefore, when they come out and I have to blame their strategies, I’m going to tell them, while the person who had a game that I liked, I wouldn’t have much to reproach them for.”the Big Brother debate analyst explained to Virginia.

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