Wordle in Spanish, scientific and accents for today’s challenge, June 22: clues and solution

Wordle in Spanish, scientific and accents for today’s challenge, June 22: clues and solution
Wordle in Spanish, scientific and accents for today’s challenge, June 22: clues and solution

We tell you the best tips, clues and tricks to guess the daily word for today, June 2, and the solution to the Wordle challenges, scientific and with accents.

These are the clues and solutions for today’s Wordle challenges, Saturday in June. In addition to them, we propose several alternative versions similar to Wordle. The goal is the same as always, guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries or less, at least in the normal challenge (in which we are already going through challenge number 898). To assist you in this task, we provide you with the keys that will help you find the solution and general tricks to achieve it in the fewest possible attempts. We do the same with the other types of games: the accent challenge and the scientific one.

Solution to the normal Wordle challenge 898 for June 22, 2024

Here are 5 clues to discover today’s Wordle word:

  • There are 3 vowels.
  • No letters are repeated.
  • The stressed vowel is U.
  • There are 3 syllables.
  • Esdrújula word.

Solution to challenge 832 of the scientific Wordle of June 22, 2024

To find out the word with an accent there are 5 other keys:

  • It has 3 vowels and 4 consonants.
  • Start with P.
  • The accent is found in the second letter.
  • It has a D.
  • It is a physical system that can oscillate under the action of gravity or another physical characteristic and that is configured by a mass suspended from a point or a horizontal axis fixed by a thread, a rod, or other device that can keep the system fixed.

Solution to challenge 832 of the scientific Wordle of June 22, 2024

The final 5 clues to find the solution to today’s scientific word:

  • Starts with a consonant.
  • One of the vowels is I.
  • It’s a vowel.
  • There is no F, no V, no R.
  • Chemical element.

What is today’s word in Wordle?


What is today’s word in Wordle with an accent?


What is today’s word in Scientific Wordle?


Wordle is a free game which can be enjoyed daily both from the PC and through iOS and Android mobile devices. Each day introduces new challenges and statistics are offered for the player to keep track of their percentage of successes.

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