Osvaldo Laport confessed that he is going through an unexpected illness

Within the universe of series and soap operas, the name of Osvaldo Laport It is written in golden letters for being the creator of endearing characters and protagonist of iconic programs on our television.

Far from being in the news for some artistic project, this week, the actor became news because he confessed to the press that he went to the hospital and was given an unexpected diagnosis. Osvaldo Laport He spoke for the first time on the subject and raised concern.

Osvaldo Laport.

“He had been beaten up for two or three days. He believed it was the flu, with fever and a very severe decompensation with dehydration. I was the same with a 39 fever. I went out and called the doctor. “I ended up hospitalized,” the heartthrob began in a note to TN Show.

Then, the Uruguayan commented on how his misfortune continued. After a series of studies, his white blood cell values ​​were not normal and were dysregulated. “They came to the foot of my bed and asked me where I had been and if I had eaten sausages. And yes, of course, if you go to the countryside. What are you doing? “What do you eat?” He continued with the story.

Laport said that his health deteriorated after attending “Lunching with Juana.”

Finally, Osvaldo Laport He was able to find a friend, with whom he had recently traveled to a countryside, and she had been diagnosed with trichinosis, which is what is affecting the actor. “I am in full treatment, with pills and different things. But hey, here I am and we have to continue life,” he concluded.

There is no such crisis

A few weeks ago, the one who was the protagonist of hits like “Amor en Custodia” was on the front pages of the covers of shows due to a fight he had with Soledad Silveyra, his great soap opera partner, due to the actress’ abrupt abandonment. of the work they shared together.

The heartthrob confirmed that he maintains a good relationship with his colleague.

After several speculations, Laport was in charge of emphasizing that it was simply a temporary discussion and everything is fine between the two. “Solita is a friend of life. Anger, if it has existed, is welcome, because it is also part of the history of a relationship. With Solita, everything is very good,” he stated.

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