Argentine cinemas broke an extraordinary record in 27 years

Argentine cinemas broke an extraordinary record in 27 years
Argentine cinemas broke an extraordinary record in 27 years


Argentine cinemas have a new box office record for a single day. This Friday, June 21, was the day of highest ticket sales in the last 27 yearsthanks above all to the colossal attraction that it awakens Inside Out 2unstoppable from the day it was released, and the contribution of Despicable Me 4 which just debuted on the billboard. Thanks to this double impulse, the total attendance at the halls and complexes of On Friday the 21st, our country reached a figure of 550,576 spectators, according to the numbers managed by the consulting firm Ultracine and which could rise even more in the coming hours, when some pending data is added.

The data correspond to the historical series that began in 1997, the year in which the Argentine market began to be managed with reliable statistics related to the movement of audiences and ticket sales in cinemas. Until yesterday, the highest mark had been reached on June 22, 2019, with 547,035 admissions, coinciding with the peak on the local billboard of toy story 4, which for now continues to be the most attended film in our country.

This new record of spectators for a single day in Argentine cinemas is part of a prodigious cycle of full theaters and unusual attendance recorded in recent years following the success of Inside Out 2, a true social event on par with what happens with those few titles that transcend the limits of their recognition as an important release in cinemas. Something similar happened with Barbie, wild tales, Passion of Christ and Argentina, 1985 in different stages, registers and contexts.

Intensa-mente 2 consolidates its leadership at the Argentine box office and influences the film’s numbers globallyPixar – Disney/Pixar

The impact of Inside Out 2 surpasses all calculations. When we enter Sunday the 23rd, the last day of this XXL weekend, the new Disney and Pixar movie will have already surpassed the mark of three million viewers in just 10 days (it premiered on Thursday the 13th) in theaters and cinema complexes throughout the country. Only the last million corresponds to the call figures for these last three days, Thursday the 20th, Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd.

The beginning of the extra long weekend was extraordinary for cinemas and it turned out even better at the box office (as expected in the local market) than the previous one, also extended thanks to the addition of the holiday on Monday the 17th. In just 48 hours, between Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st, Argentine cinemas recorded more than one million tickets sold (1,001,514, according to the latest official numbers recorded so far by Ultracine).

Of them, 617,333 corresponded to Inside Out 2 and 349,660 to Despicable Me 4, the absolute and exclusive owners of the hyper-concentrated local billboard. These two animated Hollywood tanks captured almost 97% of the total movie tickets sold throughout the country on both days. Despite this availability, it is difficult due to the very high demand to get tickets for the two films that take up almost the entire call. Meanwhile, the almost implausible remaining 3% had to be distributed among the other 46 films currently on the local billboard.

Despicable Me 4 also boosted the extraordinary box office of the XXL holiday

With all this impressive call in recent days in cinemas, now the market is now wondering if it would be possible to match the audience boom that Argentine cinemas had at the end of July 2023 with another historical brand that had also not recorded a record since 1997. Among On the 20th and 26th of that month, 2,890,521 people went to the movies.

As this figure was recorded in the middle of last year’s winter holidays, most analysts believe that it will be very difficult to balance it this week. As the specialized site reminded us in recent hours, ticket sales and the movement of cinemas have the characteristic of being very even and sustained each day of the winter break. On this occasion, a month before the holidays, the cinemas get the best out of an atypical XXL long weekend with very high attendance numbers, but which will be followed by three working days between Monday the 24th and Wednesday the 26th. No it will be the same.

Despicable Me 4 has already resigned itself to second place

It will not be the same as in 2023, but even if the weekly record of attendance at cinemas in force since last year is not surpassed, these days we are witnessing a phenomenon that exceeds all forecasts around Inside Out 2 and that is also observed from Hollywood. As we know, the local success only reflects the impressive impact that the Disney and Pixar film is obtaining around the world. And at the head of this public enthusiasm appears the entire Latin American market. The Deadline site, one of the most influential and best-informed sources of information on the Hollywood industry, noted in recent hours that Inside Out 2 This weekend it will reach a global collection of 650 million dollars and Argentina is fifth among the countries (44 in total) that contributed the most resources to reach that figure.

Adding the box office numbers up to and including Friday the 21st, the five best international markets for Inside Out were Mexico ($49.3 million), the United Kingdom (21.6 million), and South Korea (20.1 million). , Germany (13.1 million) and Argentina, with almost 12.3 million dollars. The film is currently being shown in 44 countries and in almost all of them it is the most watched at the moment. Until the last hour of Saturday, thanks to the most recent records, Inside Out 2 It grossed just over 11,158 million pesos at the box office in our country.

The film is all over the world, and particularly in Argentina, a passion of multitudes that is still far from reaching its ceiling. Now he is looking for his next mark: surpassing toy story 4 (another production arising from the same creative plant) as the most viewed film in Argentina since 1997. with a total of 6,635,000 tickets sold in 2019. Inside Out 2 It will reach half of that value at the end of this extra long weekend and has a whole month of very high impact ahead of it, crowned with the winter holidays, to reach the line of toy story 4 and try to overcome it.

Inside Out 2 is going to tour that stage almost without competition, because no other premiere with the same box office power is expected from now on, until the winter holidays, with the exception of Deadpool & Wolverine, next July 25. Meanwhile, the other big tank on the local billboard, Despicable Me 4 It has accumulated almost 350,000 tickets and in just two days it has already placed itself in eighth place among the most viewed films of 2024 in Argentina, but at the same time it resigns its aspirations against Inside Out 2, which far surpassed it in the first two days of direct competition, giving it an advantage of almost double the number of tickets sold between Thursday and Friday.

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