The emotional gratitude of the Venezuelan Gabriel Coronel in Top Chef VIP


After the departure of Puma Rodríguez, Top Chef VIP 3 It becomes more competitive and feelings intensify. In a new episode, the fight for immunity had the participants prepare a recipe in dispute between Colombia and Venezuela, which generated a roller coaster of emotions. The Venezuelan Gabriel Coronel broke down in tears after presenting a dish dedicated to his land.

The Telemundo cooking contest, which began with 20 celebrities, never ceases to surprise. From the voluntary departure of Mark Tacheruntil the days of competition for immunity, each story becomes part of the families in the homes that do not miss any chapter. In search of reflecting their roots and upbringings in their dishes, several celebrities managed to move on to the next stage on the way to $200,000..

Gabriel Coronel became the new participant of Top Chef VIP 3 on May 29, after the voluntary departure of Mark TacherPhoto Telemundo

The Venezuelan actor and model continues in competition by overcoming each week’s challenges. On this particular occasion, he managed to put his country at the top with an emotional presentation. On a day when celebrities faced off for immunity, Coronel presented his recipe “Venezuela in my heart” to the judgessome arepas that moved more than one.

With tears in his eyes, he began to explain his dish: “The truth is, it makes me very nostalgic to bring you my flavors because we know how difficult Venezuela’s process has been in the last 20 years. “Many families separated for reasons beyond their control, people who had fought a lot in their lives to achieve something and had to start from scratch.”

With the attentive gaze of the jury, the driver and her companions, who They couldn’t help but get excitedthe model also ended with an emotional dedication: “I want to dedicate this plate to the millions of Venezuelans who today cannot be with their family.”

The dish he presented consisted of three different masses: one with white flour, which he made with fresh cheese and gouda cheese, accompanied with a meat stew; The second arepa was made with yellow corn flour with Creole cheese in the dough, and its filling was the popular “reina pepeada”, which is with yellow cheese and fresh Gouda cheese. Finally, the third arepa was made with sweet dough, to which he added anise.

The reactions of the jurors were immediate when they tried a bite. While Alicia Machado’s cry of “Long live Venezuela!” was heard, Judge Toño de Livier enjoyed the food and encouraged the shouts of victory to continue. Automatically, Colonel burst into tears and puffed out his chest with pride.

“Two words: Long live Venezuela!” was the return of the renowned Mexican chef. “They are delicious, the truth is they are very good. Obviously I didn’t expect anything less from you,” added Belén Alonso.

The Venezuelan became the recipient of immunity after an emotional episode and closed the night with some final words: “Thank you, all of Latin America for receiving us and giving us the opportunity to be born again, to dream again and build a new future.”

The program Top Chef VIP It is not only a culinary competition, but also a scenario where emotions are on the surfaceViewers witness the moments when the reality show becomes controversial and when the dishes become emotional.


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