Sara Uribe tells a story of abuse: I thought it was normal

Sara Uribe is one of the most recognized models and presenters in the country, also one of the most beautiful, and although her career on television has had a pause, she is a very active woman on social networksin which it has been possible to stay afloat and generating income.

The Antiochian woman has a little son named Jacob, which was born from the love between the model and the former Colombian soccer player Freddy Guarín, with whom he lived for a time when he played in China. Although she He has never given details of his relationshipa video that he uploaded to his Instagram account made everyone speculate.

In the footage, Uribe decided to tell an experience, in which according to his story, The central issue was violence against women, that although it does not include physical abuse, it is a psychological abuse that many women experience, sowing the doubt as to which couple he is referring to.

Sara Uribe recounts an anecdote of abuse

Sara began by telling that she had a love that apparently it was very goodbut that changed over time: “I had a good love, for which I did everything, for which I left my family, my friends and went to live in another country… That good love made me believe that I was the love of his life. “We got married, a dream wedding… But I forgot to count on him… I realized that my husband did not want a home with me.”

Apparently this man was bothered by almost everything about her, his hair, his physique, his way of being, even going to the point of shamelessly comparing her to other women, making her think it was her fault: “He told me things like: ‘I don’t like the way you dress, I don’t like the way you cook, you have a belly, you should keep your makeup on,’ I see many pretty women on the street and I arrive and then I see you“It seems like you have a body that is not yours’… I began to notice that he got irritated easily, I thought that was normal.”

Finally, the model clarified that It wasn’t its own story.but one of her followers entrusted it to her, so that she could tell it, spread it and create awareness of the abuse of women, since it is more common than we think and many of them hide it and normalize it. With this video Sara Uribe gave a clear message about good treatment and healthy relationships.

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