Spicy crossover between the former participants, Martín and the Big Brother analysts

Spicy crossover between the former participants, Martín and the Big Brother analysts
Spicy crossover between the former participants, Martín and the Big Brother analysts

“It must be noted that we were all surprised by Martín’s attitude when Marisol entered (his girlfriend). “You had handled the game well,” Gastón Trezeguet began. “When you stop to talk to Juliana, that takes away from you, because it wasn’t you, you had never been seen like that,” said driver Santiago del Moro.

“Yes, it was me. If they talk bad about my girlfriend, am I going to stay silent?” It comes across as saying that they are speaking ill of a person I want to defend.. “It’s a matter of respect,” Chino defended himself.

“In that you are right, but since you played a good, crystalline, calm character, out there, stop you, confront you… she was already insulting everyone“said Ceferino Reato.

“I may be a quiet person, but I have the right to defend the person I love,” Martin responded. “The issue is the form,” said Laura Ufbal. “Did they say I said it in a bad way?” asked the former participant.

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At that moment, Juliana decides to intervene: “Thank you. The Bro played good for a long time and they are great Machiavellians. I never knew what they were talking about or how they play, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.. There were three times in which you insulted me and stood up and there were also players who are sitting here and were not sanctioned. “They sanctioned Juliana,” he began by saying.

And, he added: “There is a whole trajectory within our game. So, you didn’t reach the limits. “Juliana reached her limits and was punished very strongly.”

“The reality is that it is very good that you defend yourself, because it is perfectbecause it comes from the heart, but the issues of the heart are what make us lose our game a littlebecause the best game we had was the one with the head,” Furia continued saying.

“I think the Bros always remained very respectful, they always treated everyone very well,” Catalina Gorostidi, for her part, said.

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