TV program will show evidence of alleged betrayal by Diego Urrutia – Publimetro Chile

TV program will show evidence of alleged betrayal by Diego Urrutia – Publimetro Chile
TV program will show evidence of alleged betrayal by Diego Urrutia – Publimetro Chile

If you like gossip and hate romantic infidelities, this afternoon at 6:30 p.m. you should turn on your television and put the program Follow me on TV+. This is because they will show evidence that the beloved comedian Diego Urrutia behaved badly during his romance and maintained two relationships at the same time.

Thus they advanced Advertising meter some faces from Sígueme, realizing that journalist Michael Roldán presented evidence against the comedian who triumphed at the Viña del Mar 2023 Festival.

Recently, after a romance with Carla Jara came to light, a young woman appeared saying that she dated Urrutia for three years, but that they broke up last February. Additionally, she revealed on the Bombastic podcast that he hid her and always kept her anonymous.

“I never distrusted him. I don’t know if he was okay (but) several times he told me ‘Sofi, I rented a house to spend the weekend on the beach, but only with friends,’ either ‘Sofi, I’ll go for a ride with the kids, but without girls’, or ‘the girls go but you don’t come’”, he said.

Now, you could understand the reason for his attitude.

According to what they will reveal in the showbiz program, Diego Urrutia, He had romantic relationships with the two young women at the same time.which would destroy the comment he published days ago when he assured that it was “at least, more faithful” than Francisco Kaminski, ex-husband of Carla Jara.

They reveal alleged infidelity of Diego Urrutia

They even told this medium that they are reporting the existence of a third woman involved, realizing that after the comedian’s success at Quinta Vergara, offers for love affairs poured in and he let himself be loved. Even though she was in a relationship for years.

Added to this are the words issued by her ex-girlfriend, Sofía Lobos, who warned Carla Jara that she still does not know the man. “true Diego.”

Without a doubt, bad news for the comedian who will surely not make anyone laugh, least of all Carla Jara.

Sofia, Carla Jara, Diego Urrutia
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