Possible panelists for Pamela Díaz’s new program revealed

Image: Instagram.

The one nicknamed “Fiera”, Pamela Diaz, will return with everything to television. After being part of Brave Land and Win or Serve?where it does not yet appear on the screen, The model will host a new program on Channel 13 with Ignacio Gutiérrez.

The space, whose name has not yet been revealed, will renew the afternoons of the private signal, from Monday to Fridayin the block before What does Chile say!, gamesshow which is shown at 7:00 p.m., reported The Filter some days ago.

The bet will go liveChannel 13 announced and, according to sources knowledgeable in the matter, would debut after the end of the Copa América. Behind the project is the producer Secuoyawho has already worked with the former Catholic station, such as in the stellar Here you dance, For example.

Sources consulted comment on this Portal that was made a casting where they shared in the same set Manu Gonzalez; the advisor of look Nelson Beltranknown as “El Colombiano”; Yazmín Vásquez, remembered panelist of Milf (TV+) and Arthur Longton.

As they explain, these four names would be the options for integrate the new program panel. “They had good feelingsaid a person familiar with the project, which will mark the return to hosting Pamela Díaz on television.

As for Nacho Gutiérrez, this will be his new challenge after the stellar one Purgatory which he hosted last year and where he had “La Fiera” as a guest in the third episode.

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