Mónica Ayos recalled the anecdote she experienced with Natalia Oreiro almost 20 years ago: “I have not forgotten her teaching”

Mónica Ayos recalled the anecdote she experienced with Natalia Oreiro almost 20 years ago: “I have not forgotten her teaching”
Mónica Ayos recalled the anecdote she experienced with Natalia Oreiro almost 20 years ago: “I have not forgotten her teaching”

Mónica Ayos remembered the teaching that Natalia Oreiro shared with her (Video: Noche al Dente, América)

Monica Ayos was invited to the program Al Dente Night (America)where he had a pleasant chat with the driver Fernando Dente. During the interview, the actress recalled a valuable lesson that left her Natalia Oreiro when they shared a cast in fiction You’re my life (2006), lesson that still serves him.

“Is it true that she taught you to eat with Japanese chopsticks?”the driver asked him. Ayos confirmed: “Yes, he taught me, with Nati we became friends while we were recording You’re my life”. Monica recounted how, during one of the breaks on the set, they both went to a nearby Japanese restaurant where, in addition to learning how to use chopsticks, she tried hot sake for the first time.

Ayos also spoke about the strong bond he generated with Oreiro during the series. “For the Monita of You’re my life (Oreiro’s character), we exchanged clothes. She had clothes from her characters and I lent her what she used for comedies, and she was very useful to us.” The actress recalled an anecdote where she suggested an item of clothing for Natalia’s character. “The first time I told him: ‘I don’t want to make you angry, but I think Monita should wear this.’ ‘How am I going to get angry?’ She told me.” The guest praised Oreiro, describing her as “super generous, humble, cool, genius… I’m a total sucker, but I worked with this girl and she’s a ten.”

Mónica Ayos with Diego Olivera

Mónica Ayos took advantage of her time on the América program to explain Mexican lunfardo and remember her parents singing the tango Orange Blossom. Speaking about her 20-year relationship with Diego Olivera, she made an analogy: “A relationship of so many years is sustained like a shell tree.”

At another point in the interview, he recalled an anecdote with his partner: “Diego Olivera flipped a remote control when he saw my kiss with Sebastián Estevanez.” When touching on the topic of polyamory, Ayos confessed: “At another time we would have opened the couple, but not today.” With an open heart, the actress became emotional when talking about her life away from Argentina. “I want to go back all the time, I feel like I never left. I have a very big debt with me in the country, but I can’t go back, I’m already broken.” Laughing, Ayos told how in the past she used to set up fake raffles with her friends to raise money and go to Pumper Nic (the old hamburger house) and to the movies.

Mónica Ayos with her children and her husband

Let us remember, that Monica Ayos and Diego Olivera met in 2000 and since then they have lived an intense love story. The couple has not only shared the screen on more than one occasion, but they have also formed a dream family. 24 years after their first meeting, both are still as in love as the first day. Together with Federico, the actress’ eldest son, and Victoria, the daughter they had in common, they form one of the most beloved families in the world of entertainment.

Currently, the four reside in Mexico, although they have Argentina very present in their daily lives. In addition, both Ayos and Olivera keep in touch with their Argentine audience through social networks, where they have thousands of followers who closely follow their activities and publications.

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