Sergio Andrade would have died in Spain, say Chisme No Like journalists

Sergio Andrade would have died in Spain, say Chisme No Like journalists
Sergio Andrade would have died in Spain, say Chisme No Like journalists

Andrade would be going through serious health problems (Photo: File)

Sergio Andrade, a music producer who was arrested in Brazil in 2000 along with Gloria Trevi and Mary Boquitas, would have died a few days ago, according to journalists Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristáin from the program Gossip not like.

It was through his channel Youtube where the communicators mentioned that they had received an anonymous warning from Spain where these events would have been confirmed.

“On June 21, I was at home and I received a call from Spain, an anonymous call claiming to be a fan. It gives me a clue that Sergio Andrade had died in Barcelona at that very moment, that the family had been taking care of the wake, of everything that was the death of Sergio Andrade in Barcelona,” Ceriani began to say.

Although the controversial journalist mentioned that he could not be certain that this was true, he elaborated that he also did his own search.

Antonia, daughter of Sergio Andrade, is one of the only ones who lives in Spain. Archive

“I don’t really believe it, but I do believe that he could have died in Spain, there is his daughter. The fortune is in Andorra, the 5 million that she has hidden. I mean, it could be that he died in Barcelona, ​​in any case, as we are prudent, we are investigating,” she explained.

In the broadcast of the program it was mentioned that apparently on June 20 – a day before they were called by phone – Wikipedia showed that Sergio Andrade had died and apparently the producer’s own family had been the one who modified the information.

“Look how everything comes to light, on June 20 at 2 in the morning, on Wikipedia it comes out the same day they announced to me, this comes out on Wikipedia that Sergio Andrade had his death in this world. (If now) we go to Wikipedia and it shows that he looks normal, without death,” the journalists said and added:

The controversial music producer, who was an artistic director at CBS in 1979, was not considered handsome

“On June 21, when I was notified, the Andrade Ríos family entered Wikipedia 32 times to say that Sergio was dead, it was the family who manipulated Wikipedia 32 times.”

After showing some screenshots, the hosts of the program delved into the fact that it could also be that The king midas was faking his death.

He’s in a lot of trouble. Sergio Andrade decided to fake his death. The judge said: ‘If Sergio Andrade is not found for the lawsuit, this case may be dismissed.’ There Gloria (Trevi) and Mary Boquitas will have to defend themselves against the victims of the clan and will not be able to accuse Sergio.”

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