Julia Vial spoke about her marriage breakup after 25 years of relationship

Julia Vial spoke about her marriage breakup after 25 years of relationship
Julia Vial spoke about her marriage breakup after 25 years of relationship

Julia Vial se refirió a su quiebre matrimonial con Leopoldo Muñoz, luego de 25 años de relación.

Las declaraciones las emitió en Podemos Hablar, en el capítulo que se emitirá este viernes, en el bloque prime de Chilevisión.

Página 7 tuvo acceso a un adelanto del programa, el que relata el momento en que la animadora confirma la noticia de su separación.

Julia Vial abordó su separación con Leopoldo Muñoz

After commenting on controversial episodes in follow mea program he hosts on TV+, Julio César Rodríguez asked him about his breakup.

Along these lines, Julia highlighted that the separation occurs after more than two decades of relationship.

“After 25 years, we suddenly realized that we were tremendous parents, but that we had lost understanding as a couple…”he said.

“La decisión de separarse nunca es fácil, siempre hay heridas. Nunca es sencillo y hay que tratar de seguir adelante”.

Then, Julio César, true to his style, joked with her, suggesting that she had already “gone out on the market” and that she was not completely single, ending the moment there.

It is worth mentioning that Vial and Munoz She has two children: Julita, 14 years old; and Leopoldo, 8.

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