Immense pain for Miguel Romano: his wife Mercedes died

Immense pain for Miguel Romano: his wife Mercedes died
Immense pain for Miguel Romano: his wife Mercedes died

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Life partners for almost seven decades, in some interview Miguelito He was able to remember how that love story began with the woman who would become the mother of his daughter, Paola. “At 14, Meme was already working as a babysitter. Once she came to my hair salon with three rude girls and I told her to take them to their mother and come back so I could teach her manicures. She started working and, in time, I fell in love with her and got married.”he recalled at the time.

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Months ago, Roman He had referred to his wife’s health problems in very morning (El Trece), while reporting on his financial problems: “My wife is very sick. The two things add up to me. You have to have your balls in the right position to continue working. “I have to continue working for my daughter, for my granddaughter.”he assured at that time.

Meanwhile, in another interview with La Nación, some time ago the Cóndor spoke with the greatest of loves about his wife: “We have been together all our lives, more than 60 years. My wife’s illness affects me a lot. Fortunately, I have a wonderful daughter who takes care of her mother, takes her to all the doctors, she is very good. The only thing I ask God for is that my wife is well.”.

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Marcela Tauro revealed the truth about the fight between Susana Giménez and Miguel Romano: “She sent a very loud audio…”

After decades of working together, Michael Romano and Susana Gimenez They are estranged. And while the main reason seemed to be the estrangement they had in 2021, when the diva took a former employee of her old friend to Uruguay, now the bond between the two has worsened even more.

So things being as they are, and after the strong statements of Roman against Gimenezlast May Marcela Taurus spoke exclusively with PrimiciasYa and revealed a very spicy detail about this fight.

“I knew that Miguel was upset with Susana. He was about to open another beauty center in Nordelta and had proposed to Susana to be the figure alongside Charlotte Caniggia. And Susana sends an audio to her assistant Inés Hernández but she makes a mistake and receives to Paola, Miguel Romano’s daughter. The audio was very loud and Susana did not want to share the bill with Charlotte: ‘Look if I’m going to go with this one and what do I know… Miguelito is already grown up and look what he’s coming to propose to me. ‘Paola makes her dad listen to it and Miguel got really bad, he even cried.’began by saying the panelist of Intruders.

“Also, the Romano family is going through a difficult situation at the moment, and a phone call from her wouldn’t be a bad thing. It’s a health issue, Miguel’s wife is going through a bad time.”he added at the time Marcela Taurus about the illness of his wife Michael Romano.

“They were together for many years, they shared things. I think the anger also comes because she was eating in the restaurant next to the hairdresser’s and didn’t ring the bell to greet him. They had 50 years of friendship”hill Marcela.

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