After six years together: this is how the relationship between Macarena Pizarro and Humberto Sichel began

After six years together: this is how the relationship between Macarena Pizarro and Humberto Sichel began
After six years together: this is how the relationship between Macarena Pizarro and Humberto Sichel began

Humberto Sichel and Macarena Pizarro They have been in a relationship for six years, but they have always protected the privacy of their romance. In fact, many people do not know that they are a couple and think that they are just colleagues from the press department of Chilevision.

The truth is that the relationship began in 2018, after coinciding with the Viña Festival, which CHV organized at that time, according to Page 7.

“We were both in the press, Maca did the office for the center and I did the backstage. After lunch we all got together and that was a moment when I said ‘look…’“, the journalist told La Divina Comida last year. “After that we went out a few months later,” he revealed.

Currently, the couple lives together and Sichel maintains an excellent relationship with Pizarro’s daughters. “He has two daughters, we get along very well, it is a great relationship”, he assured.

Likewise, he acknowledged that ““I am super happy and super happy, it is a beautiful relationship.”

For her part, Macarena Pizarro recalled in an interview with The Clinic that during the first months, after making their romance public, they received several criticisms. “We have received comments not only about our height, but also about the fact that I am older and he is younger.”commented the news reader.

“There are thousands of bitter people and haters, not only ‘they look asymmetrical, but she is older, he is younger…’” she said.

“I think he doesn’t care… Toti has a half-personality,” he said.

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