Call for writers for Latin American poetry anthology Resistir 2025 | Culture | Entertainment

The poets of the Latin American world are called to participate in the Latin American poetry anthology Resist 2025, organized by the Cultural Foundation Rocio Duran Beard and the Poetic Association Lettres en Vol. The texts must be submitted until November 29 of this year.

Their goal this year is to include representatives from the five remaining countries to cover the entire Spanish-speaking continent. These are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Other countries, including Ecuador may also participate, provided that the candidate has not appeared in the 2020 and 2023 anthologies.

Resistencia has so far collaborated with 300 member writers from 18 Latin American PEN centers (Poets, Essayists, Narrators). Besides, the film exists Resist, made by Durán Barba in 2022 and a book with the English translation of a selection of poems from previous editions, published by Editorial Allpamanda this year.

The poet, novelist, essayist, painter and journalist Rocío Durán Barba. Photo: Courtesy

The Resistencia movement is dedicated to the international dissemination of Latin American poetry and to confront the global crisis through words. The members of the Advisory Committee are Ruth Pérez Aguirre, Sonia Solarte, Blanca del Río, Eduardo García Aguilar, Gabriel Saad, Bernardo Schiavetta and Mauricio Tolosa. The work will be published by Allpamanda, publishing imprint of the Rocío Durán Barba Cultural Foundation in co-edition with Écrits des Forges.

The anthology Resist 2025 will be presented at the Paris Poetry Market; At this year’s event, which took place from June 19 to 23 in the French capital, the selection of the 2020 and 2023 poems translated into English was presented. Authors must send an A5 page, maximum 28 lines, including name, title, lines and line spacing. There is no minimum extension.

Only unpublished and thematic poems are accepted around the motto “Resist, the light of poetry against the chaos of the world”, written in Spanish. (F)

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