World-class artists are reportedly negotiating with Mega for the Viña Festival

World-class artists are reportedly negotiating with Mega for the Viña Festival
World-class artists are reportedly negotiating with Mega for the Viña Festival

Since Mega managed to stay with the organization of the next vine Festivalthe television house has been working on all the details to make this edition of the contest top-notch, which is why they are already in negotiations with great artists.

According to what was said on the Tevex program No es lo Mismo, the channel has several names in its portfolio, and there are some singers who are already in advanced conversations, said the host. Duck Sotomayor. “The first artists are already playing, There are new names floating around“, he began by pointing.

The first name that was given was that of Myriam Hernández, who has several chances of returning to Quinta Vergara.I think Myriam is going to bebecause there is a national debt with her at this point. She would also do very well, because people in Viña have a lot of affection for her,” added the journalist.

Adele and Shakira

As Sotomayor pointed out, Mega wants to give a surprise “for the opening night of the Viña 2025 Festival, but I make it conditional, because they are in very advanced conversations”with a world-class singer: Adele.

“Vina 2025 would open nothing more and nothing less than… Adele. A great goal from Mega if I could close with Adele for the opening night,” the communicator added.

Negotiations with Mega have already begun, and this idea arises “after seeing Andrea Bocelli’s presentation, something more symphonic. They would be working on that concept for the first night” Pato commented.

Finally, in No Es lo Mismo they closed by explaining that the British could be joined by the Colombian Shakira. She “she would also be in very advanced conversations, managing to bring after more than 20 years at least… Shakira at Quinta Vergara“These are two great goals for Viña del Mar,” said the host.

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