Cande Tinelli got tired of receiving criticism about her body and exploded with a harsh statement: “I had a bad time”

Cande Tinelli got tired of receiving criticism about her body and exploded with a harsh statement: “I had a bad time”
Cande Tinelli got tired of receiving criticism about her body and exploded with a harsh statement: “I had a bad time”


If anything has been proven over the years, it is that Candelaria Tinelli She has no problem saying out loud what she thinks and feels. Unlike her brothers, she has a more public profile and does not hesitate to come out and speak if she feels like it. On several occasions, she has received criticism on social media for her cosmetic surgeries, her tattoos and her way of dressing. Far from ignoring them, she responded and repudiated those who comment on other people’s bodies.

Now, she was questioned again about her physique and she did not remain silent. In the last hours, she shared in her stories on Instagram some of the comments she received and made a strong defense, where she told how much she suffered from the messages where they questioned her about her body. “I know how I am and I know how I choose to be”he said.

Cande Tinelli opened up about how much comments about her body affected her (Photo: Instagram @candelariatinelli)

Recently, ‘Lelé’ shared with his four and a half million followers some of the comments he received on one of his publications. One of them said: “How beautiful, you have a few more kilos”. In the other, meanwhile, it could be read: “Less meat than Easter. No lie, you are beautiful.”

From this, Tinelli reflected: “This is a clear example that you should not be influenced by opinions.because they are other people’s views and visions that go beyond oneself. Whether they are good or bad (each one sees them as he wants) one should not pay attention to them or take responsibility for what the other sees or believes about me.”

Cande Tinelli showed the comments she usually receives about her body and responded (Photo: Instagram @candelariatinelli)

Along these same lines, Marcelo Tinelli’s daughter noted: “I know how I am. I know how I choose to be.”. I know that I am healthy. I know that these comments do not represent me.” She also expressed that expecting people not to comment on other people’s bodies is “practically impossible.” “So we have to be very balanced and confident with ourselves so that this slides off us; and also understand that we are much more than the body and the external. Take care of and feed your inner world,” she said.

Candelaria then posted a photo she took in front of the mirror, where she could be seen dressed in a black top, black pants and some drops. “In keto mode I am going to do what I love most in the world,” she said and continued: “Sorry for not having meat, but being more plump.And also for ruining my body with tattoos and looking like an alien. Sorry also for being the daughter of someone famous and… well, sorry for everything, basically.” He also explained that this was a summary of what he usually reads daily and assured that if he continued, he could spend “five hours” on the subject.

True to her style, Tinelli responded to those who criticize her on social media (Photo: Instagram @candelariatinelli)

He also shared a video where he made a final personal reflection in front of the camera. “Maybe there are people who tell me, ‘but if you don’t care, don’t upload it’. It has its point, it’s true, but why am I posting it? Because I have a lot of followers and I’m not saying this from a conceited perspective, I’m saying it from a good perspective,” she explained and stated her intention to use her exposure to make this public because she knows that there are people who are having a hard time because of the same thing.I spent weeks locked in my dark room, vomiting everything I ate, crying, medicated, wasting time in my life. “I’m being stupid and I don’t want this to happen to people, because it makes me feel bad, I don’t want to allow it,” she said.

Finally, he added an additional comment to the video and was blunt: “Do you understand that I lost years of my youth for these kinds of comments or things that were said to me? Nobody says them back to me. So don’t be as stupid as I was.”


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