“Even a decadent comedian…”: Lola Melnyck reacted to Ernesto Belloni’s comments

“Even a decadent comedian…”: Lola Melnyck reacted to Ernesto Belloni’s comments
“Even a decadent comedian…”: Lola Melnyck reacted to Ernesto Belloni’s comments

Lola Melnyck He used his social networks to launch an acid message against Ernesto Belloniafter the statements made by the comedian regarding the noisy attitude that the Ukrainian starlet has had towards Chile in recent months.

It is worth remembering that the comedian who plays Che Copete spoke with With you in the morning and raised why Lola hated the country, after working for several years in Chile.

“I don’t understand her expression that we Chileans were stupid, I don’t understand her. What I do understand is that She hoped to associate with the high class and high society in Chile, but she was never able to get away from her dancers or her group of people who were not from high society. So that was a little frustration that he had,” Belloni said.

Along the same lines, he added: “He had a career of controversy rather than talent. She was always treated like she came from a bad background, which frustrated her a lot.”.

“I don’t know why he took us a little wrong. Probably because when she went to Brazil, no one came looking for her to return to Chile.“Nobody asked him to stay,” he said.

“Decadent comedian”

Belloni’s words did not go unnoticed and through her Instagram stories, Lola reacted to her former partner’s words.

I just found out about some statements about my charming person made yesterday on a morning show or something like that.”, the dancer began writing.

“And I knew until a decadent comedian to whom I hardly ever said a word and only greeted him out of politeness, because I neither considered him nor respected him, “He came out to take advantage of my name and the situation,” he shot.

“Well, I imagine he must have bills to pay and I hope this earns him some show in the bars he is used to.“Lola added.

Later, in a second story that he shared on his social networks, he cleared up the doubts and named the comedian directly.

“For those who are asking me who I was referring to in the previous post and who is the decadent ‘comedian’, I answer: I mean Ernesto Belloni“, Lola Melnyck said.

Lola Melnyck reacted to Ernesto Belloni’s statements
Lola Melnyck reacted to Ernesto Belloni’s statements
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