The conflict between América and Marcelo Tinelli escalates: the channel would have given the host an ultimatum

The conflict between América and Marcelo Tinelli escalates: the channel would have given the host an ultimatum
The conflict between América and Marcelo Tinelli escalates: the channel would have given the host an ultimatum

Written in SHOWS he 6/29/2024 · 10:38 am

The bad relationship between America and Marcelo Tinelli It is undeniable. In recent days, it was revealed that the channel reduced his salary by 50% and that they were not satisfied with his work as artistic director and programming manager. In addition, it caused discontent that the interview with Lionel Messi did not go as expected.

Now Marina Calabro He gave details about this strong internal after speaking with his protagonists. During her column on Radio Miter, the journalist revealed what the channel’s top brass told her. “What I am going to quote are texts from someone who is above a manager, very high up,” she clarified before beginning to read what they told her from America about the conflict with the driver.

“We are dismayed. “He thinks it’s July and Marcelo hasn’t presented any worthy project so far this year.”they told Marina from the channel and detailed: “He spent the summer in Punta del Este, in March he went to Mexico to record and promote LOL for Prime, then he went with his entire entourage to Spain to celebrate his birthday, later he traveled through the interior of the country and now he is in the Copa América without providing any content for the channel.”

“We ask you to move on and let José Núñez work, that’s why we sent a statement about changes in management. We also pointed out to him that he cannot neglect his clothes, his general appearance. Not to mention that we helped him financially”, they specified. In this sense, Marina warned: “The number I have is a red of 800 thousand dollars in 2023.”

“Our ideal is for him to do a program in the last quarter. If it works, we all toast and celebrate, and if it doesn’t work, it’s the elegant way out for him to leave once and for all.”they pointed out from the channel.

And finally, they expressed: “We no longer count on him for anything. We had an idea of ​​him, we knew about his ego, his tricks, but what is happening is disconcerting.”

Marina Calabró also said that she contacted Marcelo Tinelli’s team and they told her that he is behind everything: the changes in management and programming. In addition, they assured that everything is fine on their part and that the driver intends to continue on the channel.

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