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Laura Spoya reveals what type of friendship she has with Magaly Medina: “I value her work”

Laura Spoya reveals what type of friendship she has with Magaly Medina: “I value her work.” | Everything is Filtered.

Laura Spoya is about to return to television as host of the program ‘Al Sexto Día’, replacing the salsa boat Yahaira Plasencia. In this context, Spoya took the opportunity to clarify the nature of his friendship with the prominent journalist Magaly Medina. In the program ‘Everything is Leaked’the former beauty queen confirmed that she maintains a cordial relationship with the ‘Magpie’, although they do not see each other frequently.

The ex Miss Peru He explained that he met Magaly Medina many years ago thanks to Jessica Newton, who at that time was a mutual friend, although today she is Medina’s enemy. Despite the enmity between the ATV figure and the director of the most important beauty pageant in Peru, the model highlighted the professionalism and intelligence of the ‘Urraca’, valuing her work on television.

“I met Magaly (Medina) many years ago, thanks to Jessica (Newton). Although we maintain a cordial relationship, I really value her work. “She is a fairly intelligent person and very focused on what she does,” she commented on the television host.

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In addition, Spoya mentioned that the friendship also includes their husbands, since Magaly Medina’s husband is a friend of Magaly Medina’s husband. Laura Spoya. “Her husband is also quite a friend of my husband. We met years ago, all together, we have shared a lot, trips and situations. However, we don’t see each other very often. “I am a friend to everyone,” she added.

This clarification comes just before his debut in ‘On the sixth day’, marking his return to the small screen. As is remembered, Magaly Medina Upon learning that the model would be the new face of this journalistic program, he did not hesitate to highlight the professionalism that Laura has on television.

The coronation of Miss Peru 2024 It promises to be an unforgettable gala, full of glamor and talent. The event led by Jessica Newton will take place this Sunday, June 9, in the impressive Plaza Grau del Real Felipe del Callao, and will present the best of national beauty.

This competition, one of the most prestigious nationwide, will not only celebrate the charm and intellect of its participants, but will also feature the presence of prominent figures in entertainment and music.

In this edition, those in charge of hosting the gala will be the former beauty queen Laura Spoya and the renowned Puerto Rican presenter Carlos Adyan, respected journalist from the international network Telemundo.

The model, who has recently joined as host of the program ‘On the sixth day’ on Panamericana Televisión, returns to her roots in beauty pageants to contribute her charisma and experience to the event.

Laura Spoya is the official presenter of Miss Peru 2024. | instagram

Amidst the laughter, the driver Magaly Medina used part of your program ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ to report that the Miss Peru stage, for which 740 soles were charged for attendance, was flooded due to an anomalous wave on Callao beach, causing the sea to overflow.

“The sea came out. Please, attention, national emergency, the place where this Sunday the great event of the coronation of ‘Miss Peru’ will take place, where the people who have bought their tickets for 740 soles will be in an uncomfortable chair sitting in the open with all the cold that it gets at night outdoors for 740 soles. I don’t pay that,” she said.

Magaly Medina makes fun because the sea is out in the location where ‘Miss Peru’ will be held. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

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