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Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos celebrate their five years of marriage: children, moves and new work challenges

Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos in an archive image (Grosby)

Their love story has been one of the most followed by the gossip press since their romance came to light. Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos They have become one of the most established couples on the media scene. So much so that this Saturday, June 15, They celebrate their five years of marriage. There have been many changes in their lives since they both decided to walk down the aisle, although their relationship began much earlier.

The first time that They both crossed paths in 2008, when the model was working for laSexta. The collaborator of The Anthill He had the task of making a report about the footballer. At that time, the two were in a relationship, since the communicator was the girlfriend of rocker José Molinero, nicknamed Mollyand it was said that the athlete could have started a romance with the actress Blanca Romero, so it was not until years later when the couple began to write their love story.

It was not until 2012 when the opportunity arose again, four years after their first meeting. The two attended the Euro Cup celebration gala and, now, they were single, so it is said that this was the moment that marked the beginning of their romance. Little by little, several images began to come to light in which the model was seen leaving the Sevillian soccer player’s house, however, none of them confirmed or denied anything.

Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio in an archive image (Grosby)

When their relationship was already an open secret, the couple decided to make their courtship official at the 2012 Ballon d’Or Gala, where They posed together for the first time in front of the media. Of course, they have always been suspicious of their privacy, although they usually photograph themselves in front of the cameras.

Two years later, Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio formed a family with the arrival of his first child, Sergio Jr., who came into the world to make one of television’s greatest wishes come true, to be a mother. In 2015, Marco made them parents again and, four years later, Alejandro did the same.

Having formed a large family with his three children, The couple decided to say ‘I do’ at a crowded wedding held on June 15, 2019 in Seville, the city where they would take up residence after the Sevilla FC defender left Real Madrid, since until then the family lived in the capital of Spain. Coinciding with the same year of her marriage, Pilar Rubio announced that she was sweetly expecting her fourth child, Máximo Adriano, who came into the world in 2020.

We know Sergio Ramos is one of the most famous footballers in the Spanish youth academy. However, is this the athlete’s only professional project? The truth is that the Sevillian has several businesses. Over the years he has invested in different fields such as the real estate sector, as he has several properties distributed in different parts of Spain. In addition, he has horses in his hometown and, little by little, he has been buying works of art that, with the passage of time, are increasing in value. In this way, it could be said that in addition to his passion for the football field, Sergio Ramos is a successful businessman.

Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos with their children in an image from their social networks. (Instagram)

For its part, Pilar Rubio has not had the same luck in his business aspect. His first business was Acero Azul Producciones SL, an advertising agency that began almost at the same time as his professional career. So much so that it was even this company that managed his television work and the advertisements to which he lent his image. However, a change in the Treasury caused the company to be forgotten until, in 2020, it was deregistered after years of inactivity.

The same thing happened with Metalhead Clothing Company SL., a company dedicated to selling rock and roll and metallic style clothing, and Myshoplist SL, a “retail trade of textiles and clothing and home accessories” website. Neither of the two businesses prospered as she expected, forcing her to make the decision to close her doors.

Currently, Pilar Rubio is focused on her television role, where she has become one of the most beloved faces on the small screen. The model will broadcast a new program on Canal Sur in which she will show the wedding planning process of various couples. A new professional project that she will combine with her work in The Anthill and The challenge. Furthermore, it has launched her own line of swimsuitsthus expanding its reach in the world of fashion.

Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio have a relationship of more than two decades and five years of marriage. Of course, their love story has been marked by numerous rumors that, on more than one occasion, have put on the table the possibility that the couple is going through a serious crisis and, in the worst case, are facing a break up.

However, this endless speculation have been forgottensince both the presenter and the soccer player have always been united and, proof of this, is that the couple and their extensive offspring live happily on the farm Joy, a property full of comforts and all kinds of luxuries. Although it is unknown if they have in mind to expand their family, the truth is that it is likely that the couple will begin the search for a girl, just as they themselves stated before linking their lives in marriage.

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