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Inside Out 2: how we can overcome envy of other people’s success, according to science

Now what Inside Out 2 is about to hit the movie screens, we have been able to see a new emotion in the latest trailer, envywhich even though on film it will look super cute In real life we ​​don’t think it looks like that. And we have all experienced it at least once in our lives. But what does science say about envy?

Jennifer Lernera psychologist at the Kennedy School, shared with The Harvard Gazette What is envy, why it is so powerful and how we can avoid it.

What is envy?

According to the expert, Envy is a timeless emotion that is capable of stealing our joy.. This is called by science as: “a very unpleasant state of inferiority, hostility and resentmentwhich sometimes triggers its raw emotion schadenfreude: to delight in the fall of another.”

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Kennedy emphasizes that care must be taken with this emotion, since if it is not treated It can last and become an obsession.. Especially in the current era, he warns that we are more exposed to compare ourselves with others; Therefore, his recommendation is that if we are going to compare ourselves, it is with ourselves, choose to compare your present self with your past self.

Since the envy It is a thought that enslaves those who feel it, because despite the efforts invested in overcoming someone, there will always be a tendency to view someone who is several steps ahead with suspicion.

How to stop being envious of the success of others?

For put aside envyJennifer Lerner and other specialists recommend reflecting on the thoughts we have about her, especially those that make us feel bad, and recognizing an alternative way of interpreting what is happening, one that is not based on social comparison but rather with our self. former.

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