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Roberto Pettinato spoke for the first time about the health of his son Felipe and the sentence he received

Roberto Pettinato spoke for the first time about the complaints against his son Felipe

At the end of April, Felipe Pettinato was convicted of the crime of simple sexual abuse committed in 2018 against a young woman who, at the time of the events, was 15 years old and was part of the environment of her ex-partner and mother of her daughter. The sentence handed down by the Court No. 1 of San Isidro was given 9 months of suspended prisonwith a series of restrictive measures, such as undergo treatment and establish residencewhich must be fulfilled for two years.

Thus, and within the framework of the delivery of the Martín Fierro of the Radiocelebrated last Sunday, Roberto Pettinato, father of the accused, was consulted about this issue and, for the first time, spoke. “Felipe is very well. He remains hospitalized. But he is very well. “He really is a very good patient,” was the first thing he said when asked about a mobile phone. Show Partners (The thirteen). “This is the typical family quilombo that everyone has, somewhere, with other characteristics; but there is always a quilombo. And well, one lives it the best one can. We’re not laughing our asses off“, characterized the former driver of Hard to tame.

“Many times, not in Partnersbut in other programs, you saw that they believed that ‘The Pettinatos’… and the truth is they made me laugh because they They believed that we had the power to speak to Justice and tell him that the kid…,” Pettinato added, dismissing the media treatment of the matter. On the other hand, he said that he is not afraid of what may happen to Felipe, who is also accused in a case investigating the death of Melchor Rodrigohis personal neurologistwho died in a confusing fire that occurred in the young man’s apartment.

“What I regret is that no one knows, except the prosecutor who suddenly grabs him and says: ‘It seems to me that he killed him…’. Like in the movies. I say: ‘How crazy, how quickly he deduced it, because here it says that there are 20 billion proofs that no one killed anyone.’ It would be necessary to investigate well what the cause says. “He is very ugly,” said the musician. Sumo.

Felipe Pettinato (Instagram)

On the other hand, they asked him about the media complaints he received for sexual harassment from several women who were part of different radio and television cycles that he hosted. “There are no complaints. That is a very serious, very serious error, because one thing is to denounce and another thing is to point out. It is one thing to point out and another thing is the complaint itself. There was never a complaint because I spent years standing in court waiting to see where the fuckin’ complaints. I worked with 20 billion people. In other words, there are 25 years of television with thousands of people. Well, why are there thousands who love me and others who don’t? Or with some something happened, with others nothing happened. With another step I don’t know what. I fought with Nacho Goano. We were just talking to Karina Mazzocco the best…”, he answered.

“But Roberto, couldn’t it have happened that it was another way of making television, another way of relating men and women, where things were admitted that are not accepted today…?” the journalist, Nancy Duré, asked him. “Lie. “Man and woman continue to relate, unfortunately – and give me this – in the same way,” Pettinato objected. “Didn’t you decide to call them and ask what happened?” they asked the entertainer. “Those that I called, know that I called them. And they don’t say it either. The fucking mother. He didn’t hit one, not even calling you,” he closed.

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