Brian Moreno was close to losing a finger: what happened to him

Brian Moreno was close to losing a finger: what happened to him
Brian Moreno was close to losing a finger: what happened to him

Brian Moreno suffered an accident with a knife on ‘MasterChef’ -credit @brianmorenoz/Instagram

The tenth episode of the sixth season of MasterChef Celebrity The field challenges for the 21 celebrities who remain in the competition began. On this occasion, the participants traveled to Villa de Leyva, Boyacá, where they were put to the test preparing recipes chosen by the competition judges.

Brian Moreno, son of renowned actor Marlon Moreno, was one of the featured participants in this episode. The contestants had to demonstrate their culinary skills by preparing sauces and side dishes typical of Colombian culture.. As confirmed by the presenter Claudia Bahamón from the outdoor set, these would not be elaborate dishes, but rather basic elements that accompany various preparations.

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In the first duel, Vicky Berrío chose to make cassava chips while Brian Moreno opted for potatoes -credit Canal RCN

Among the judges, Jorge Rausch, Nicolás de Zubiría and Adria Marina assigned the participants some preparations such as Creole chili, shrimp cocktail, meringue, Hollandaise sauce, salmon cooking, chocolate pastry cream, beef tenderloin, handmade mayonnaise, and breaded egg yolk. Brian Moreno decided to prepare tuber chips, in a direct duel against comedian Vicky Berrío.

This challenge began competitively when Claudia Bahamón told Vicky Berrío that she should choose an opponent with similar skills, opting for Brian Moreno. The duel consisted of making tuber chips in a time of ten minutes. While Berrío chose to prepare cassava chips, Moreno chose potato.

Brian Moreno using the mandolin before cutting himself -credit Canal RCN

In the middle of the competition, Brian Moreno suffered a serious accident when cutting the potato with a mandolin. While recounting his experience in front of the cameras, the actor said: “The potato is fine, mandolin, we are doing well, there is no finger left… I ‘blew off’ half my fingernail with my finger, says paramedic, do it and I’m here, meanwhile, with my left handThe severity of the injury prompted immediate intervention by paramedics. RCN Channelwho performed the respective treatment on the actor.

Despite the injury, Moreno decided to continue with the challenge to complete his preparation. For his part, Vicky Berrío also faced technical difficulties when her mandolin broke down, so he opted to cut the cassava manually.

Brian Moreno continued in the competition while paramedics treated the wound on his finger -credit Canal RCN

Finally, when presenting their dishes to the judges, Brian Moreno was the winner of the duel, which allowed him to add another celebrity to his team for the next group test. One of the most emotional moments of the day was when, after the accident, several of Moreno’s colleagues expressed their concern and offered their support. Fortunately, the medical attention was quick and effective, and the actor was able to continue participating: “Do it quickly, I’m here with my left hand,” the actor told the paramedic.

Beyond Moreno’s accident, this episode also stood out for the various preparations and dedication of the participants. In other duels, preparations such as hollandaise sauce, meringue, shrimp cocktail and chocolate pastry cream were made, all under the supervision of the strict judges of the program.

Despite his accident, Brian Moreno won the duel and will lead a team in the next race – credit Canal RCN

The leading position obtained by Brian Moreno in this challenge provides him with a strategic advantage for the next group test, where he and his team will face a new culinary challenge, taking into account the effective healing of his wound. Vicky Berrío, for her part, showed resistance and the ability to improvise when solving technical problems with her mandolin, which was also valued by the judges.

The contestants were judged not only on their technical skills but also on their ability to work under pressure.. This type of challenge outside the official kitchen seeks to highlight the creativity and culinary skills of celebrities, who must face unexpected situations and demonstrate their talent in the kitchen.

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