They investigate the alleged suicide of a prosecutor in Girardot, Cundinamarca

They investigate the alleged suicide of a prosecutor in Girardot, Cundinamarca
They investigate the alleged suicide of a prosecutor in Girardot, Cundinamarca

On Wednesday morning, prosecutor Carlos Ricardo Gaitán Bazurto died after apparently jumping out of a window. The investigator worked at the entity for 15 years and the Prosecutor’s Office is currently investigating the reasons behind his death.

According to some complaints that have been made about the death, prosecutor Gaitán, who was assigned to the Cundinamarca Section, had asked to be changed in his workplace, because, supposedly, the stress from his work had been affecting his health. In addition, he would have left a note on his desk in which he says: “I’m sorry, I’m really late with work.”

The Attorney General’s Office regretted the death of the official and assured that they are accompanying and assisting the Gaitán family in their mourning. On the other hand, a specialized prosecutor and a CTI team were appointed to investigate and determine the causes behind the incident.

Likewise, the investigating entity assured that “during the last few weeks, the Executive Directorate has been carrying out working groups with the ARL Positiva, with the purpose of strengthening prevention mechanisms and occupational health care routes for the employees of the Attorney General’s Office. the nation”.

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