They propose the development of green bonds in Río Negro – ADN

They propose the development of green bonds in Río Negro – ADN
They propose the development of green bonds in Río Negro – ADN

(ADN).- The CC-ARI Cambiemos promotes the idea that Río Negro develops and uses Green Financial Instruments, a type of bond that began to circulate around the world that is issued by public and private institutions to finance themselves.

Legislator Roberta Scavo presented a communication project requesting the Government to take this action, “in order to mitigate and/or compensate for the environmental impact of extractive activities, ensuring economic development that is sustainable and respectful of the environment,” she indicated.

Sustainable financing is already part of the portfolios of the world’s leading banks. In Río Negro the concept began to circulate with the Green Hydrogen project and in Argentina, the former Minister of the Environment, Juan Cabandié, proposed a “debt exchange for climate action.”

Accompanied by the legislators of her bloc, Scavo maintains in the argument of the project that “the fundamental role that extractive activities, such as mining and hydrocarbons, play for the economic development of our province is undeniable.” However, she highlights “the need to compensate and reduce the environmental impact of these activities to guarantee a healthy environment for future generations.”

In this sense, the initiative presented proposes “the development of green financial instruments that associate the surface affected by extractive activity with the same surface protected as public heritage in provincial protected areas.”

At the same time, it invites companies to “offset their carbon footprint, through the acquisition of provincial bonds or bonds issued by companies based in the province, associated with certified greenhouse gas absorption projects related to the preservation and/or restoration of sinks and reduction of significant indirect greenhouse gas emissions.

The project highlights “the increase that the demand for investment opportunities for adaptation and mitigation to climate change, the generation of positive social impact and sustainable development has experienced globally.” Likewise, he emphasizes that “assets labeled as green are currently the most developed segment globally and have experienced exponential growth internationally.”

The parliamentarian considered that “the promotion and development of these green financial instruments in the Province of Río Negro is a strategic opportunity, which will not only contribute to reducing the environmental impact of extractive activities, but will also strengthen the image of our province as a leader.” in responsible environmental practices and committed to sustainable development.

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