the howl of Nature that allows us to combine biodiversity and agriculture

the howl of Nature that allows us to combine biodiversity and agriculture
the howl of Nature that allows us to combine biodiversity and agriculture

Gallegos de Crespes (Salamanca), June 1 (EFE).- The ‘rewilding’ or restoration of ecosystems “is a fantastic movement” to motivate “from the depths” when combining protection of biodiversity and ecological agricultural and livestock production, according to Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart and Inka Martí. Is “ the howl of Nature that calls us to return to the wild world”, explain, between enthusiasm and hope, the counts of Siruela from their Salamanca farm in the lands of the ancient Celts Vetones, where they develop the Airhón project – whose name comes from the ancient local god of life, death, waters and regeneration -, “although we have inserted the ax through the Hoyo de los Lobos”, in reference to the family of these animals that frequents the area. IMAGES: PEDRO PABLO G. .MAY. EXTRACTS FROM THE INTERVIEW WITH THE COUNTS OF SIRUELA, JACOBO FITZ-JAMES AND INKA MARTÍ RESOURCES OF THE SALMANTINA DEHESA IN GALLEGOS DE CRESPES (SALAMANCA) AND LAS VACAS MORUCHAS.

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