The Formosa waterfront was chosen to film an international film – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

The Formosa waterfront was the scene of the recording of some of the outstanding scenes of the film “Out of Tune”, co-directed by Ezio Massa, a director from Formosa based in the United States, and Gustavo Postiglione, a renowned Argentine director.

The production required a scene that included the fall of a meteor, which was made with digital effects by 80STUDIO, recorded by IRU Produccions and UNOUNO Agencia.

IRU Producciones played a crucial role as co-producer of the scene filmed in Formosa, under the direction of Alfredo Rodríguez, who was in charge of the local production unit. This project also included the intervention of Víctor Bassuk, producer and vice-rector of ENERC, from the NEA headquarters.

Formosa director Ezio Massa wants Formosa to be shown in scenes of the film. To meet this objective, the production company added a drone shot where you can see some Formosa icons: the tourist hotel building, the railway building and the Formosa waterfront.

In this way, Formosa provided the location and is part of the film. On the Costanera Vuelta Fermosa, 7 vehicles were used, 11 people participated, including technicians and extras. The shots were taken last Sunday between 3 and 6 p.m., the process had the collaboration of the provincial Police to order traffic and help the filming to be carried out correctly.

The main actor in the scene was the renowned Carlos Leyes, with whom the production company worked on other occasions. The extras were the members of the technical team.

“The movie “Out of tune” has a sequence where you can see the reaction of people to the fall of a meteorite from different places in the world. We are in charge of the “Formosa unit”, to say one of those places,” IRU Producciones told NEA HOY.

“The scene required a meteorite to fall and people to react. “We are currently working on video special effects (VFX) to digitally create the falling meteorite (it is in post). We filmed a live-action scene to which a realistic 3D model of the meteorite is being integrated,” they added.

The film, spoken in English, stars the talented Harry Chambarry, the Oscar-nominated actress Cathy Moriarty, known for her role in “Raging Bull,” and the Paraguayan actor Raúl Daumas. “Out of Tune” was filmed on location in the United States and Argentina, including the cities of Rosario and Formosa.

Currently, the film “Out of Tune” is in the post-production phase and promises to be an outstanding work of cinema, combining international and local talents to create an unforgettable visual experience.

Synopsis of “Out of Tune”

On the border between reality and fiction, “Out of Time: Lost in Rosario” tells the story of an actor, played by Chambary, who is sent from New York to Rosario by his representative, played by Cathy Moriarty, with the purpose to meet with a director, played by Postiglione, to start a film project.

While wandering the streets of Rosario, he meets members of the production team, but none of them can give him answers about the director’s whereabouts. The film intertwines uncertainty and mystery, immersing the viewer in an atmosphere of suspense and exploration, where each encounter adds another layer to the director’s enigmatic disappearance.

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