A strike is expected with low compliance in the classrooms

A strike is expected with low compliance in the classrooms
A strike is expected with low compliance in the classrooms

Urgent call for a national teaching parity, restitution of the FONID (they claim that the elimination of the incentive implied a decrease in salary between 10% and 20%), connectivity, financing for schools and (all) public universities in the country and more educational budget, are some of the demands that Salta teachers will raise today during the 24-hour national strike called by the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA).

Urgent call for a national teaching parity, restitution of the FONID (they claim that the elimination of the incentive implied a decrease in salary between 10% and 20%), connectivity, financing for schools and (all) public universities in the country and more educational budget, are some of the demands that Salta teachers will raise today during the 24-hour national strike called by the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA).

In Salta, the Provincial Teaching Association (ADP), CTERA’s base union, adheres to the measure of force, and UDA, AMET, CEA, SADOP, ATE and Sitepsa join in. The strike will affect the country’s entire educational system: initial, primary, secondary, technical, higher education institutes and university level. Although at the local level the vast majority of unions confirmed their adhesion, it should be taken into account that so far this year the previous strikes did not achieve good levels of compliance. In both public and private establishments this will depend on each teacher.

Today the Budget and Education Commissions of Deputies will meet in the National Congress. In Buenos Aires, CTERA will hold a rally in front of the National Congress, to demand that the Commissions deal with university financing and restitution of the FONID. “Let us remember that teachers are the only state sector that has suffered a reduction in their salary due to the loss of the teaching incentive,” emphasized Daniel Amidei, in charge of UDA Salta.

He recalled that last Tuesday the teaching unions met at a new table, in which the Minister of Education (Cristina Fiore) and representatives of all the unions participated to begin dialogue with the provincial government about the possibility of it taking charge. of the incentive payment.

He also said that they ask that the national government convene a joint table so that it can set the minimum teacher salary, the base salary, which is the floor, so that from there the different provinces can scale on that salary, so that there is a reference to country level. “Current events are indicating that teacher salaries in many places and in many jurisdictions are below the poverty line and in some provinces in particular, below the indigence line,” said Amidei.

Other demands that the sector requests are: the sending of resources for school infrastructure, sending funds for school cafeterias, financing for educational programs and an urgent emergency increase for retired teachers.

University students

After a teaching assembly, ADIUNSa confirmed that today UNSa teachers and researchers are joining the strike day without attendance at the workplace, but with union activities.

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