Neighbors of Vaca Muerta do not declare constructions | Daily Neuquén

Neighbors of Vaca Muerta do not declare constructions | Daily Neuquén
Neighbors of Vaca Muerta do not declare constructions | Daily Neuquén

The residents and businessmen of Añelo, a town known as the capital of Vaca Muerta, are the most reticent to declare the constructions and extensions they carry out on their lots and land. This was demonstrated in an evaluation that the provincial directorate of Cadastre and Territorial Information of the province of Neuquén carried out with the support of its two latest generation drones.

This evaluation has allowed the province to incorporate 329,000 square meters of undeclared improvements in four months of work. Alejandro González, general director of Valuations of that organization, explained that from January to April 2024, an exhaustive survey has been carried out in certain sectors of Añelo, Arroyito, Centenario, Neuquén, Plaza Huincul, Plottier, San Patricio del Chañar, Senillosa, Villa La Angostura and Zapala. It is planned that this task will continue in other locations in various regions.

The ranking of the surface area incorporated so far is led by the town of Añelo, where One day of drone flight detected a total of 76,065 m2 of undeclared improvements. They are located mainly on industrial lands, associated with the exponential growth that unconventional hydrocarbon activity is having in the Vaca Muerta formation. In second place is Zapala with 68,256 m2 and third is Centenario with 66,169 m2..

For your part Daniel Querejeta, provincial director of Cadastre and Territorial Information, reported that, once these improvements are detected through the use of drones, they are automatically incorporated into the provincial cadastre. “It is very useful information and shared with other departments,” he said and mentioned that they are “working actively with COPADE, in relation to the municipalities and assistance is requested, especially training and now, flights. “According to the needs that arise is how we plan the outings.”


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