the harsh claim of neighbors to the Minister of Security

After the attempted robbery of a police officer that ended with the death of a thief, The residents of the Canal V neighborhood reported that incidents of insecurity have increased in recent times and that they do not provide solutions. In addition, they request a meeting with the Minister of Security, Matías Nicolini, to be able to work together.

Although this is a problem that neighbors have been warning about for a long time, they assure that in recent weeks the assaults have not only grown in number, but the violence with which they are carried out has also increased. Given this, meetings began to be held to analyze what actions to take.

“We have been complaining for a while about the issue of insecurity, we presented a note to the prosecutor (José) Gerez to see if he can meet with the residents, but it seems that he is not interested if one dies, two die or what happens inside of the neighborhoods within the city of Neuquén,” said Luis Sánchez, president of the neighborhood commission of the Canal V neighborhood, in radio statements.

As reported, last Saturday 32 representatives of Neighborhood Commissions met to analyze the missing procedures in each neighborhood. “Most of us agree that there is a total gap in matters of Health, Education and not to mention Security, because the provincial government does not lower the budget,” he said.

police killed a thief bike path channel v

A police officer killed a man who tried to steal his bicycle in the Canal V neighborhood.

Sánchez said that they made a request to arrange a meeting with prosecutor Gerez. Regarding the Minister of Security of Neuquén, he assured that they still do not know him: “We only see him in the photo. That day of the meeting we tried to see how we can address the insecurity issues that concern both residents and residents, because the neighbors are the ones who complain to us.”

“The idea was that the minister would receive us, but they have not given us answers. We are confident because the governor was with all his troops a short time ago and told him: ‘Guys, be closer to the people.’ information both to the ministers and to people below, we are totally alone,” he observed.

The claim is to Justice, not to the actions of the Police

The resident said that “the Police today does with the little it has” and this is because it works “with the same budget as last year, that is, since the last administration.” “We cannot blame the police. Is there a lack of security? Yes, there is a lack of security in all the neighborhoods of Neuquén, but it is not their fault, but rather higher up. From the minister upwards and I am naming prosecutor Gerez,” he denounced.

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The residents of Canal V claim that insecurity increased with the massive arrival of rags to the neighborhood.

Regarding the meetings that he has held with the presidents of different neighborhood commissions to work on the problem of insecurity, he stated: “In my case, I never had the opportunity to speak with Matías Nicolini. We are very upset and we are complaining about the shortcomings that exists in each neighborhood regarding this issue”.


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