PJ and NE ask for the continuity of INTI in Río Negro – ADN

PJ and NE ask for the continuity of INTI in Río Negro – ADN
PJ and NE ask for the continuity of INTI in Río Negro – ADN

(ADN).- The dismantling of the national State put the legislators of the Justicialista Party-Nuevo Encuentro (PJ-NE) bloc on alert, who presented a communication project to the provincial Parliament through which they request the National Executive Branch for continuity and financing of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) and its various departments in Río Negro.

“This request is based on the significant contribution of INTI to the scientific, technological and productive framework of the region,” the parliamentarians argued. In the province, the organization has two headquarters: one in Viedma and another in Bariloche.

The text of the initiative recalls that «created on December 27, 1957, the INTI has been a fundamental pillar in the promotion of public investment in science and technology in Argentina. Since its inception, the Institute has worked closely with chambers and industries to connect the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with technological innovations, thus improving the country’s industrial competitiveness.

For example, the Institute is the one that certifies – among other things – the fuel supplies of service stations.

«The INTI acts as the national reference in the field of measurements and is responsible for maintaining national measurement standards, ensuring quality in critical areas such as care for the environment, health, food, public safety and production. industrial. In addition, it promotes the growth of SMEs through innovation and technological transfer, contributing to the development of the federal industry,” he indicates.

The communication project highlights “INTI’s mission to contribute to industrial development through the generation and transfer of technology, the certification of processes and products, and the assurance of quality in national production.” It also underlines “the vision of the Institute as a leader in the generation of technological innovations, internationally recognized for its work in applied research and technical assistance.”

The PJ-NE legislators highlight that “INTI has always assumed a clear commitment to the sustainable development of the national industry, articulating efforts with the private sector and the scientific-technological system. The Bariloche Extension Unit, with an interdisciplinary technical team, has been an example of this commitment, supporting SMEs, cooperatives and ventures in various industrial sectors.

The legislators’ concern lies in “current neoliberal policies, which include economic deregulation and the dismantling of the public sector, putting at risk the continuity of INTI extension units in cities such as San Carlos de Bariloche and Viedma. These units are vital for the productive and technological development of the region, providing technical assistance and promoting innovation in various local industries.

For these reasons, the PJ-NE bloc requests the National Executive Branch to “guarantee the continuity and financing of INTI, so that it continues to be an engine of development in Río Negro and throughout the country. Support for this Institute is essential to maintain the competitiveness of SMEs, strengthen value chains, substitute imports, develop suppliers and consolidate a sustainable production system,” they concluded.

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