Control and demand, imperative to improve transportation in Las Tunas

Las Tunas.- The Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in Las Tunas evaluated what is being done to increase the efficiency and quality of passenger and general cargo transportation services, in tense moments with the availability of fuel and the technical status of the equipment.

In most of the interventions, it was highlighted that the different administrative structures of the sector are advancing in their performance to solve what is one of the main problems of the population. However, many issues remain to be resolved and actions should be focused on them.

That was the criterion of Wálter Simón Noris, first secretary of the organization in the territory, who stressed that control, demand and inspection are key tasks to alleviate the critical situation that currently exists, with a minimum of effects for the people. and the economy.

Among the main aspects that worry the people of Las Tunas are the high prices of cars and motorcycle taxis, the limited circulation of buses in this city, rural and inter-municipal transportation and the organization of the waiting list at the national bus terminal.

Also worrying for the economic and social development of the province are the occurrence of criminal acts, the poor use of the railway system, the lack of conditions at the mass transportation point to Holguín and Granma, the high costs of maintenance and repair of equipment. and irregularities in the management of some leased media.

As positive aspects, those present highlighted the improvements in cabotage operations that give vitality to Puerto Carúpano, the participation of private carriers in the distribution of the basic basket, the training of workers through a classroom linked to the University of Las Tunas and Operation Solidarity, which supports the transportation of thousands of people in state vehicles every day.

The governor, Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega, pointed out that in the transport activity the application of science, research and technology is decisive to guarantee the vitality of the service and insisted on the responsibility of the inspection bodies and administrations to face the price violation and combating crime.
At the conclusion of the analysis, Simón Noris urged to take advantage of the existing strengths in all municipalities, prepare equipment for when fuel availability improves, prepare the activities for the summer stage and, under any circumstances, maintain communication with the people.

Finally, the party leader recognized the efforts made by the transporters, called on them to work with intelligence and systematicity and called for the rational use of each resource and to reorganize trips at times of greatest demand.

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